Mamas Uncut

Dad Forces Wife To Breastfeed Her Baby Who Bites During Feedings

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When it comes to breastfeeding, the choice is a very personal one. But one dad is sending shockwaves through the Redditsvere after “forcing” his wife to continue breastfeeding.

“My daughter, 10 months old, has recently started biting during breastfeeding,” began the mom on Reddit.

Dad Forces Wife To Breastfeed Baby Who Bites During Feedings
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“When she starts to bite, I simply tell her ‘no’ and put her down immediately. I only started doing this recently because my breasts kind of look like a war zone.”

I’m bleeding and sore because of the biting and simply cannot take it anymore.”

The mom attempted pumping as an alternative but it was very painful.

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“Instead I’ve been doing a mix of pumping and formula,” said the mom.

“He was okay with me pumping and feeding our daughter until I started supplementing with formula. He believes that breastmilk is best and formula is the devil because it’s not ‘natural’ or something. At this age, I’m giving her milk around 4-5 times a day, and still attempt to breastfeed once or twice a day.”

But things took a turn for the worst.

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“It reached the tipping point yesterday when he hid the formula so I’d have ‘no choice’ but to breastfeed our daughter,” she said.

“I ask him why he’s doing this, and he simply says he doesn’t think I’m trying hard enough because I stopped simply because she’s biting me, and that a good mother wouldn’t stop doing what’s best for her child simply because she’s in pain.”

Do you think the father was in the wrong? Comment below!

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