Mamas Uncut

Dad Accused of Shooting Infant Daughter And Burying Her Body Inside Of Tree

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Logan Kruckenberg-Anderson, 16, is facing charges of first-degree homicide after shooting his newborn daughter in the head twice and leaving her in a snow-filled tree.

The criminal complaint first revealed the little girl was named Harper and was born on January 5.

Dad Accused of Shooting Infant And Burying Body In Tree
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The story begins on January 9th, when an unidentified male caller phoned police and informed them his daughter had given birth to a girl in a bathtub in a Village of Albany home.

He then stated Kruckenberg-Anderson took the baby and how they had not seen the newborn since.

At first, Kruckenberg-Anderson told police he gave $60 to a friend to take the newborn to an adoption agency and hadn’t seen him since January 5.

But after being pressed, the teen reportedly didn’t know his friend Tyler’s last name and told authorities that he met him through SnapChat’s “quick add” feature.

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“Logan advised that he had attempted to call Tyler several times earlier in the morning, but Tyler had since blocked him,” the complaint stated.

The newborn’s mother revealed to authorities that she and Kruckenberg-Anderson agreed they needed to “do something to not have the child in their life.”

“Kruckenberg-Anderson and Juvenile Witness (JW) #2 discussed several options such as dropping the child off at the local fire department or transporting the child to Madison and drop her off at an ‘adoption place,'”according to the complaint.

“Kruckenberg-Anderson told agents that he and JW#2 decided that Kruckenberg-Anderson would get rid of the infant by simply dropping it somewhere,” it continued. But when questioned by police again on January 10, Kruckenberg-Anderson admitted what really happened to the baby girl.

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Kruckenberg-Anderson informed authorities that after leaving the newborn’s mother’s house, he took the infant to the woods near the Village of Albany, where he placed her in a tree, naked — covered his daughter with snow and then walked away. He also admitted he knew the child would die of exposure.

Kruckenberg-Anderson recalled hearing his daughter crying as he left her, which caused him to cry. He later led police to Harper’s body but an autopsy revealed that there was more to the story than Kruckenberg-Anderson said.

A Wisconsin State Crime Lab employee examined the infant’s body on January 10 at the scene and what they found was disturbing. The employee “observed a gunshot wound to the forehead of the infant child and a spent casing located to the right of the child,” the complaint stated.

It went on to say the employee noted: “that at the time that the child was placed in the snow, the child was likely alive or recently alive, as the snow surrounding the infant was deformed as a result of the body heat from the infant’s body.”

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That very same day, police spoke to Kruckenberg-Anderson — and he eventually admitted to shooting Harper twice in the head before leaving her to die.

Police confirmed the story by matching one of the bullet cases left at the scene to a bullet casing in the backpack he used to transport the baby.

Kruckenberg-Anderson has since been arrested on charges of first-degree homicide as well as hiding the corpse of a child.

His bail was set at $1 million.

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