Mamas Uncut

Couple’s Romantic Sunset Moment Bombarded By Dog Who Pees Over Camera

A couple’s romantic sunset moment was bombarded after a stranger’s dog ran over and urinated straight on their phone’s camera.

Robin Riley, 23, decided it was time to take her boyfriend Blake Fahndrich, 24, home to meet her parents in Ninilchik, Alaska, US, after six months of dating.

Couple’s Sunset Moment Bombarded By Dog Who Pees Over Camera
Image via YouTube

And as the couple had their heart set on making memories despite coronavirus closing all of the attractions, the two set out to their nearest beach where they decided to make the video.

Little did they know, the couple’s footage would feature a dog who runs over to the camera and directly urinates on it.

How did it all happen? Robin propped her camera phone up in the sand, hit record and went back to her boyfriend Blake. It was then that two dogs came running down the shore and the couple obliged, crouching down to great them.

The footage then reveals one of the canines running straight past them to sniff the phone – just before cocking its leg and urinating all over the camera. Robin and Blake couldn’t help but laugh as their sweet footage well, became a wet blanket of sorts.

Image via YouTube

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Robin said: “We have been dating for about six months so I figured it was time to bring him up from Oregon to meet my parents in Alaska, which went over quite nicely might I add.”

“Because of Covid-19 and due to it being the off-season for tourist[s] in Alaska, not a lot was open, so we decided to spend the evening at the beach to get out of the house.”

So why the video and not a quick selfie?

“The reason we had decided to film was because I had seen online that it was a great way to get candid photos instead of the usual selfie you see time and time again. Once you record you can go through the video and screenshot the moments you like and if anything get a cute video out of it. Little did I know I would get more than a cute video.”

Image via YouTube

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“We had just set up the camera when a car drove past us on the beach we didn’t really think anything of it until they parked a few hundred yards ahead of us.”

And boy did they get quite the video!

“They let their dogs out which happily ran over to greet us and us being dog people we were ready to greet them as well. While petting one of the dogs the other trotted over to my camera and I thought ‘we’ll get a cute video of him sniffing the camera’ and as he was circling my phone I thought to myself ‘there’s no way he’s going to pee on it’.”

“As [if] responding to the voice in my head he peed on it and honestly I just lost it. I thought it was beyond funny like what are the chances! Still watching the video I laugh!”

Watch the full clip below!

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