Mamas Uncut

Couple With COVID-19 Dies While Holding Hands: ‘They Were The True Definition Of Soulmates

William and Carol Stewart died within just seconds of each other of COVID-19 — all while holding hands the whole way home.

Their daughter, Melissa Noke, said their entire family of eight tested positive for COVID-19.

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Carol was on life support for two weeks while William was on life support for eight days. William also suffered from lung, kidney and renal failure towards the end of his life, along with covid-19.

“They’ve known each other since they were four, been together 45 years, married 44 years,” Noke said.

The family was sadly unable to visit their parents at Parkland Medical Center until their “Hero Walk” on Dec. 30. William and Carol were wheeled past family and put together in a room.

“Placed both beds side-by-side, placing my mother’s hand into my father’s hand,” Noke said. “As soon as they touched hands, my father took his last breath, and then my mother 10 seconds later.”

Noke shared how her family was relieved their parents did not suffer any longer.

Image via GoFundMe

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“They were the true definition of soulmates because it’s like having love birds. You can’t just buy one: you’ve got to buy both,” Noke said.

Noke shared how both her parents were unvaccinated and urged others to get vaccinated until it’s too late.

When asked what she would say to her parents right now, Noke said, “It’s an honor to be your daughter, and I love you and I will see you again someday.”

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The family’s GoFundMe shared how finances will be tight after the couple’s passing.

“It is with the heaviest of hearts to share that last night at 9:12 pm Bill and Carol peacefully passed away hand in hand with their loved one’s bedside. They fought a long and hard battle with covid, both intubated and on life support,” the message began.

“As you could imagine the next couple weeks and months to come leaves the family with heartache indescribable. I would like to continue to share this story to help alleviate the financial burden along the way so that Melissa, Melinda and the rest of the Stewart family can grieve and heal without the stress of financial worry. Please consider donating and if you have already or even if you are unable to Please Please continue to share this GoFundMe so that others may help,” the message concluded.

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