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Couple Marries Despite Parents Not Giving Blessing. Bride Finds Note She Wrote Groom 2 Years Before Wedding

Couple Marries Despite Parents Not Giving Blessing. Bride Finds Note She Wrote Groom 2 Years Before Wedding

Sazan Hendrix/YouTube

Sazan and Steve Hendrix run a popular YouTube channel together.

The couple met in college and are now married and the proud parents to two baby girls. However, their relationship wasn’t always approved of.

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Because Sazan is of Indian descent and Steve is caucasian, her parents didn’t approve of their marriage.

There was a time when Sazan didn’t think she would marry Steve, despite being madly in love with him, because she didn’t want to be disowned by her family.

Two years before eventually getting married, Sazan celebrated one of their anniversaries by writing him a series of letters.

One of the letters instructed Steve to open it on his wedding day. Sazan said on YouTube:

“Two years before we got married, at a time in our relationship when we were going through so much, and I didn’t even know if we were going to be married. For our anniversary, I decided to make him a handful of cards. But on the front of each envelope, it said, ‘Open when…you’re sad’ or ‘Open…on your birthday.’

And so one of those cards said, ‘Open this on your wedding day.’ I remember specifically when I saw that specific card I was like, ‘Do I even want to do this because I really don’t think I’m going to be able to marry this guy because I can’t imagine being disowned by my family.’ So I thought, ‘I know what I’ll say…'”

Two years after she wrote that card and on the night before their wedding day, Sazan found the unopened envelope and snuck it into the pocket of Steve’s tux so that he would see it while getting ready the morning of.

Sazan and Steve then revealed what the letter said:

“I hope it was me…”

Steve said of the emotion he felt when he first read the card:

“That was honestly you guys, I get emotional now, but that was probably the best thing ever. Before we got married, I just broke, I sat down on my bed and I just had tears in my eyes and I was just so happy because I knew everything that we did to get to this point. It was the sweetest …”

The couple said they believe it was God who brought the letter back into their lives the night before they became husband and wife.

Sazan also said:

“My parents were not at our wedding. They didn’t support our relationship early in the beginning. I would love to go back in time and I wish my parents could have been there, but there was just something so beautiful and calm about my day.”

It seems as though this is a couple who was meant to be.

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