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Couple’s Gender Reveal Turns Into a Series of Hilariously Unfortunate Events That Has Everyone Laughing at Their Expense

Couple's Gender Reveal Turns Into a Series of Unfortunate Events That Has Others Laughing at Their Expense

Barstool Sports/Instagram

At first glance, this couple’s gender reveal seems pretty typical. They have the big balloon filled with either blue or pink confetti, a device to pop it, and friends and family eager to finally learn if they are having a boy or a girl. A foolproof plan that can’t fail…. most would think.

But then chaos ensues. Instead of using the device to poke the balloon, therefore popping it, the couple uses their poles to aggressively swing at and hit the balloon.

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Then came the final swing, the swing the would end all other swings because as the series of unfortunate continues, the string that was keeping the balloon grounded loosened causing the balloon to slowly, yet swiftly, float away.

And then, in his final attempt to try and save their gender reveal party, the expectant father heroically runs after the floating balloon and even tries jumping a fence to retrieve it. However, in true gender reveal fail fashion, the father loses his footing and falls to the ground.


The video of the reveal fail was posted and shared with Barstool Sports by Brent Murray and quickly spread around the internet. But the couple isn’t the first to experience a gender reveal fail. Here are five more couples who fell victim to their own gender reveal.

RELATED: Mom Who ‘Invented’ Gender Reveal Parties Reveals She Now Regrets Starting the Trend

As this couple shows us, it’s very, very important to make sure the way in which they choose to reveal the gender of their unborn child is safe… for all involved.

And as this couple demonstrates, elaborate gender reveals are not for everyone. Not even their test run went according to plan.

As “Jayay” revealed on Instagram when you have two sonograms with two different genders, but only one baby, it’s important to confirm the correct gender with your doctor before throwing a party.

And as one wife learned, it’s imperative that your instructions are very clear, because the term “one bite” can mean very different things to different people.

And finally, this is the reaction of a couple watching the secret of a lifetime float away in the Santa Ana wind.

Did you have a gender reveal party? Or better yet, did it go according to plan?

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