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Couple Has Daughter Taken Away by Child Protective Services Just Two Weeks After Home Birth With Certified and Licensed Midwife

Black Couple Has Daughter Taken Away by Child Protective Services Just Two Weeks After Home Birth With Certified and Licensed Midwife

via Instagram (@theafiyacenter_

A couple is living out a nightmare after having their newborn daughter, Mila, taken away from them by Dallas Child Protective Services (CPS) just two weeks after having a home birth with a licensed and certified midwife. The child remains under the care of a foster family while they await the legal process.

On April 6, the couple – along with the midwife – held a press conference to talk about that horrific day and urge authorities to do the right thing and return their daughter to her rightful parents. They described it as a ‘beautiful birth’ that went south just a couple of weeks later when authorities showed up at their home. 

It all started when their daughter developed jaundice – which is viewed as normal for a newborn. They decided to follow their midwife’s care protocol for jaundice and let their doctor know this during a routine visit. At some point after that visit, their doctor called CPS and it wasn’t long until Dallas authorities arrived. 

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The newly-crowned mother, Temecia Jackson, and her husband, Rodney Jackson, were taken by surprise when authorities arrived at their home and demanded they hand over their baby. The couple refused to do so – understandably – but authorities eventually forced their way into the family’s home.

They ended up arresting Rodney and taking his keys, which were used to open their front door. They then walked up to the mother and stripped her daughter, Mila, from her arms. It’s a scene no new mother should ever be forced to experience, especially after spending just two weeks with their newborn daughter. 

“When they came in and took her from me, I requested that I needed to see the paperwork. They insisted, ‘No, give her first, give her first. So they took her from my arms and they gave me the paperwork. When they left, I looked at the paperwork and the paperwork had another mother’s name on it,” Temecia explained.

Temecia eventually got a chance to see the paperwork, but not until after her daughter (taken) and husband (arrested) were gone. She noticed that the paperwork had a different mother’s name on it and initially didn’t include her husband’s name – though it was later updated, listing him as the ‘alleged father.’

Child Protective Services Is Allowing Limited Supervised Visits

In their press conference, Temecia and Rodney Jackson claimed that Child Protective Services were alleging that the baby was born to a different woman. And, while the couple was scheduled to have their first hearing with a Dallas County juvenile board yesterday, that hearing got moved back two weeks. 

While the DeSoto Police Department and Dallas County’s Juvenile Department had been reached out to for comment, no response was given. A response was given from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, but they said all cases were confidential and no further details would be released. 

Ever since their baby was taken, Child Protective Services have only allowed the couple to see their child during limited and supervised visits at a CPS office with police officers present. The two parents explained how they feel like criminals when they get to see their daughter, despite not doing anything wrong. 

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“For me, as a father — this is my only daughter. I can’t be a girl dad right now. I feel like I have … my protection role has been stripped away from me,” Rodney Jackson said. The couple’s midwife was also at the press conference and added that the child was being loved and cared for before being taken away.

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