Mamas Uncut

Expecting Moms: In the Age of Coronavirus, How Long Are You Waiting Until After the Baby Arrives to Have Visitors?

A mom writes in asking for advice about how soon she should consider receiving visitors after giving birth in the age of COVID-19. This mom is expecting her new baby in less than four weeks. She is “really nervous” about what happens after the baby comes. Given the ongoing lockdowns and safety protocols in place during the novel Coronavirus pandemic, she is unsure when she should receive visitors to see the baby. The doctor told her to wait at least two weeks before welcoming guests, but even that makes her uncomfortable, as many people she knows have given up on social distancing.

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A member of the community asks:

“Expecting moms… how long are you waiting until after baby arrives to have visitors due to Coronavirus?

I’m due in less than 4 weeks. We have been social distancing since March. I’m really nervous about what it will be like after our baby arrives. Our doctor told us at least 2 weeks, but only a few people that have been socially distancing. No one is socially distancing anymore.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Doesn’t Know How Long She Should Wait to Receive Visitors Wanting to Meet Her New Baby in the Age of Coronavirus

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Expecting Moms: In the Age of Coronavirus, How Long Are You Waiting Until After the Baby Arrives to Have Visitors?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I’m 36 weeks, and however long I want!! In all reality, it’s up to you, your comfort level, and who it’s with! I won’t be having anyone in my house probably all winter!! Some might be laughing at me but I’m serious. I also have 3 other kids and don’t even want a sniffle!!”

“My kids are all teens, but if I were having a baby this year, I would not allow others to visit inside my house or close to the baby… FaceTime!”

“To be honest, I wouldn’t chance it with anyone coming to visit, I’m sorry. I’m due with my 3rd in December and I’m not allowing absolutely anybody in my home for whatever reason. Better to be safe than sorry.”

“My doctor said 2 months. I’m waiting at least 3. The only people he’ll see beside me and my hubby are my parents because my mom is the babysitter.”

“I had a baby in May. Had people over the day we got home, took her out at 4 days old, and she has been around people and in town since.”

“Whenever you are comfortable with it. I had my son during COVID and other than immediate family it was probably 2.5-3 months before others met him. That was just my preference because I didn’t want 800 ‘friends in my face. I wanted to take in being a mom and I don’t regret it.”

“I had twins on June 2nd. Most friends and family have seen them but only a few got to hold them or get within distance. I’m being cautious.”

“We did social distancing but have relaxed it some so that my in-laws can come visit my 2 kids. I’m due with #3 in about 3 weeks so I understand what you’re saying. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law will probably come to visit the first weekend we are home, but other than that it’ll probably be a month or so before anyone else visits. Other than that, I may get a mommy helper for a week or two after I get home just to help with the adjustment for my other two because my hubby can’t stay home for more than a week or so.”

“Don’t feel the need to wait. Our next baby is due Nov 23rd and I’m sure as soon as we’re home family & friends will be over. Just make sure they wash their hands and aren’t sick. Same precautions from previous children.”

“I had my baby 5th of May; people came to visit within days after birth but sat outside and socially distanced as best as possible. I waited until he was 4-weeks-old before anyone other than me, my partner, and my sister (who had been there at birth so held him in hospital) could hold him. At 4 weeks I staggered immediate family only holding him so not everyone held him in the same week, I made people wash their hands before holding him. This week is the first week someone other than family has held him and he’s 3-months-old.”

“I would probably let a few of the closest people to you visit with baby as long as they wear a mask and haven’t been running a fever or anything recently. Then let everyone else FaceTime.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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