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35 Memes About the Coronavirus That Prove We’re All in This Together… and That Might Even Make You Laugh a Little

Coronavirus Memes

Well, that escalated quickly. Many of us were going into 2020 excited about the possibilities of a new year. We were killing our New Year’s resolutions, hitting our parenting goals, happy our kids were back in school after the holidays, and ready for some normalcy until the end of the school year. Then… record scratch! Coronavirus showed up like an ex you were trying to forget. The novel coronavirus has already started to dramatically change the way we live our lives. If you live in a city or densely populated region, you’re experiencing some major disruptions. You might be working from home for the first time, homeschooling your kids, practicing social distancing, and much more all in an effort to slow the spread of this coronavirus. Fortunately, you are not alone. We are all going through this together, taking it one day at a time. We will get through this. It’s just a matter of staying positive and not physically restraining your beautiful children. The internet is here and it’s full of memes to put a smile on your face and let you know that everyone is feeling the exact same kind of way. We decided to collect some funny memes to help you take your mind off of the stresses of the moment and LOL.

35. Oh Kanye

All jokes aside, it can be a bit unnerving considering that many of us have never experienced a global pandemic on this scale. Please take the following memes with a grain of salt and if they’re not making you laugh, find something else that does!

34. Indeed

People purchased toilet paper in bulk ahead of their plans to stay home and practice social distancing. This excellent meme shows the ingenuity of the human race at work.

33. Live, Laugh, What?

Well, those who have those aspirational pictures in their home need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. Painted words do not necessarily constitute great home decor.

32. Home is Where the Heart Is

There have been many different versions of this meme circulating over the last few days. It draws a sharp comparison between how introverts and extroverts live their lives. It’s perfect.

31. Wrong Year

We really did think 2020 would be our year. There’s still plenty of time and it could turn around!

30. Love in the Time of Corona

No one wants to be stuck inside alone. For those who are, think of all the compromises you don’t have to make.

29. Moms Will Save Us

Timely advice for any parent who has forgotten to thoroughly clean out a lunchbox at the end of the school year. After summer, it’s not pretty.

28. Social Distancing Works

In order to slow the spread of coronavirus, health officials are advising people to distance themselves from others when they can. It’s so important.

27. We Got This

This funny meme leans into the dystopian vibes we’re all feeling right now. There have been countless books, movies, and TV shows all about it. We’re conditioned to think in these terms, but we’re going to be fine.

26. To Meme is to Live

We all have to put our anxious energy into an outlet. Creating memes is just another way to stay calm and be at peace with things you can’t change.

25. Spielberg’s Coronavirus Blockbuster:

This very strange meme of a big shark chomping on some virus is just what we needed today. Is there even a joke? Not sure.

24. Washing is Great

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the strangeness of this moment. Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and be mindful of your body. It’s what we try to do every one of the 145 times a day we wash our hands now.

23. This is Personal

A lot of us stocked up on pantry essentials in the hopes they will help us ride this thing out. Those are supposed to be rations, but snacking is a way of life.

22. Dating is Temporarily Canceled

While you might want to go on a date right now, it’s not advised. This Lady & the Tramp meme perfectly captures how we’re all feeling about it.

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21. Dreams of TP

As we mentioned, many people overreacted to the news about novel coronavirus and inadvertently spawned a million toilet paper memes. It’s smart to take precautions but not to purchase all the toilet paper you’ll use in a year.

20. Could Be Worse

Working from home can be a bit of adjustment if you’re not used to it. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, give you pet a snuggle.

19. Beyond Thunderdome

It’s easy to let your mind wander and many are already considering how fashion will change post corona. This is so ridiculous and we love it.

18. Let Your Pigs Sleep in Peace

Pet pigs are a novelty, but not unheard of. This cute pig is named Lucy and she doesn’t have time for your BS. That’s all.

17. Do the Right Thing

It’s important to inform loved ones about the risks of contracting the virus. This is especially true for the elderly and those with ongoing health issues.

16. Pizza is a Lifesaver

Although many cities have closed restaurants and bars to diners, you can still get food delivered and support local businesses. This silly meme understands the importance of pizza.

15. Seasonal Stuff Too

Spring is here and because of the changes, many people already experience colds, seasonal allergies, and the flu this time of year. Because there can be uncertainty about which is which, this meme was born.

14. It’s Fine

This very popular meme format is fresh again because of coronavirus memes. Here’s one of our favorites.

13. Being a Teacher is Tough

This is the perfect meme for any parent with kids home from school right now. Teachers really are superheroes navigating a new reality.

12. Wink

Flirting online is a great way to practice social distancing. Keep things light. You are perfect.

11. Laughter is Good for You

Let’s all make a point to be kind to each other. Our neighbors and communities need all the love they can get. Cracking a good joke can help lighten things up.

10. Tony Montana in 2020

The toilet paper memes won’t stop. Take care of yourselves people.

9. Good Advice

Actually, read a book. Organize a space like a closet or a kitchen. Make yourself something comforting to eat. You can still be productive indoors.

8. Alexis Has Spoken

For fans of Schitt’s Creek, you’ll get a kick out of this one. Sorry everyone else. If you’re looking for something silly to stream right now, it’s out there.

7. Fact

The meme says it all. It perfectly captures the franticness of this moment. Let’s all take a breath together!

6. We’re Only Human

We’re all doing the very best we can in these situations. Let’s remember to wash our hands frequently and try and keep clean towels off the floor.

5. We’re All Learning So Much

We know more than we’d like about a great many things these days. Be sure to learn to love the differences between you and your family members at this time.

4. We Were Wrong

Time is funny and hope is fleeting. Let’s remember that we come through this and hopefully become stronger from it.

3. Fostering Open Lines of Communication

For many of us, learning to adjust to schooling our children isn’t as easy as we’d expected. This mom is doing her best and it’s probably great that your child is staying in touch with her friends.

2. Hand Sanitizer is a Godsend

This meme has been recycled at the perfect moment. Using hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of 60% plus is a great way to keep you and your kids’ hands clean.

1. Really, We Got This.

Keep your chin up! We’re going to be fine.

The internet has been flooded with memes about the biggest news of the day forever. It’s a way for us to channel our anxiety into something silly and hopefully make others laugh and feel better. Take a respite every once and a while and treat yourself to some escapism. Giggle at toilet paper, watch your favorite rom-com, read a funny book. Take care of yourself.

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