15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked

Marriage is a beautiful bond, but it’s also full of ups and downs. Whether it’s navigating through disagreements or finding ways to keep the spark alive, there are countless challenges that couples face throughout their marriage journey. With so much dysfunction out there, it’s no surprise that many people have questions and concerns about marriage that they’re too afraid to ask. That’s where we come in! We’ve gathered the juiciest questions about marriage that community members have asked, and we’re ready to share them with you.

In this blog post, we’re diving deep into 15 of the most shocking community questions about marriage. This list covers everything from taboo topics like infidelity and finances to more lighthearted questions about quirky habits. These questions are not only thought-provoking but also relatable, and we hope that by sharing them, we can shed some light on the realities of married life. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be shocked by these 15 juiciest community questions about marriage!

Check Out These Bonkers Questions About Marriage:

Question: Would I be in the wrong if I rehomed my husbands dog?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I def wouldn’t wait til he’s gone to rehome his dog. This should def be something ya’ll figure out before he leaves.
  • I feel like its wrong… My opinion though.
  • Ask him to do it before he leaves. Do not do it while he’s gone without telling him or talking to him about it. I gotta be honest if my significant other rehomed my dog without speaking to me about it that would be grounds for divorce in my home.

Question: Does it sound like my husband is seeing someone?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Not to be the one here that jumps to conclusions, but if something feels off, it usually is. Nothing wrong with checking phone records just to be sure… if you trust your husband then trust your husband, but if you feel suspicious keep an eye out for other signs.
  • Time to go into spy mode! Don’t mention it again to him and act like everything is fine until you can get more solid evidence that he can’t deny.
  • If I found a woman’s hairclip in my husband’s car I’d flip my lid.

Question: Is it appropriate for a married man to be drinking in a hot tub with another woman?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Must’ve been an interesting conversation…
  • I would not like that personally. I’d just bring it up to your husband. Boundaries are important.
  • Yeah that’s a hard no for me too. I’d lose my s**t.

Question: My Husband Won’t Give Me Access to His Bank Account Because His Mom Tells Him Not To: Advice?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Leave. That’s financial abuse.
  • I’m sorry but you need to move on.
  • If you are married, he should trust you with the bank account. You shouldn’t have to ask for money. If he can’t trust you with that you shouldn’t be with him.

Question: I found out my husband gets coffee daily from topless women: Advice?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’d be flipping tables.
  • He’s a jerk. How would he like you getting coffee from a junk-exposing dude?
  • Not overreacting. You should walk around topless. Go to the store and family eventos topless and then see if he “over reacts”

Question: My husband sweared at me at our friends house over a pineapple: Do I have a right to be upset?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It starts with verbal abuse… they are always sorry.
  • F**k him. He’s a control freak drop him. It’s only going to get worse.
  • He seems off/childish and rude. And a man would never disrespect his wife.

Question: AITA for getting mad at my husbands compliments?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Be grateful you get compliments from your hubs & loves you… alot if women don’t get any of that, ever…
  • Maybe try talking to him about how his comments make you feel. Explain to him what’s going on. He can’t read your mind love, you need to communicate with him.
  • My husband does this and I love that he tells me regularly that he still finds me sexy. Is there maybe a different reason this is bothering you?

Question: My husband wants to leave my for a girl in another country that he met online, what do I do?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Before you do anything with community property, find out what your rights are. You don’t want his attorney coming at you, for wrongful acts on your part. Whether he goes to the other women or not, I would have him out of my life. There are just so many things wrong with him as a man, a husband and a father.
  • Kick him out girl ! Make him feel like s**t too he’s using you for now basically.
  • Good riddance. Let him go.

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Question: Am I overreacting to my husband’s comments on our special needs child?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I don’t think you’re overreacting, that’s heartbreaking. I’m sure it’s stressful but that’s no reason to say something mean, especially when it’s you doing everything anyways. Say something to your husband. Tell him if he thinks his son is an inconvenience then he can just go without you guys, as well as he needs to change his attitude because you will not allow your daughter to see this and think it’s okay. After hearing that comment I wouldn’t want to be around him either.
  • Drag your husband to counseling and make it known his attitude is not welcome, him and his family are teaching the children that being handicapped in anyway means they don’t have to be included and that is wrong. If he isn’t prepared to change boot his ass to the curb. I wouldn’t have let any of the children go it was a family trip not a trip for the selected ones.
  • I couldn’t imagine my husband acting that way to our children. It’s very sad you’re not in the wrong at all.

Question: What would you do if your partner downloaded tinder and said it was for work?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • “Believe what you want” is classic. He’s doing something wrong. Period.
  • The fact he actually thought you would buy such a lame excuse is insulting and then ‘Believe what you like’… He’s checked out. Time to move on.
  • What job would require you to download tinder anyway? Come on, I don’t think you need anyone else to tell you what’s going on.

Question: Does your spouse time you when you do something?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • That is insanely controlling!!! I don’t even want to think of what else this man does that is completely unacceptable and uncalled for. It’s only going to get worse over time though. #boybye
  • Tell your spouse to bugger off. If they want it done faster tell them to do it!
  • Time him during sex and then say he needs to last longer.

Question: Has anyones spouse had wet dreams?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It’s VERY common! However, it’s not always discussed. ( I’m not saying that’s a good thing, Just that it occurs). I do think that it is something that needs to be normalized (in and out of relationships), and discussed.
  • Well, I can’t see my spouse’s dreams so going from pure logic and sense…probably. :rofl: doesn’t everyone at some point…
  • Why would you even post something like this? SMH!!!

Question: Is my husband normal?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • This is NOT normal. Dont let these women tell you that it is or that you should feel grateful for the attention. You owe him nothing, absolutely nothing, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. My husband was like this for years and years until I finally said Im DONE and Im leaving. He finally agreed to go to marriage counseling and it has helped tremendously. He understands why I dont like it, and that it is not my love language. I understand that it is his but I do have to work extra hard to be able to be intimate after all the years of unwanted touching. Do not let it get to the point that you resent your partner, speak up now, tell him to stop and if need be insist on a marriage counselor. No one deserves to feel like a possession instead of a human with their own feelings.
  • Idk. I don’t think it’s unusual but it would definitely get on my nerves.
  • He wants you… I will warn. Men like this are obsessed early and may find themselves less obsessed later.

Question: Would you be okay with your spouse going to a strip club?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I know my husband won’t cheat and he will come home to me at the end so I don’t mind.
  • Nope. Not mine… If he wants to get off watching other people take their clothes off and dance naked he can f**k right off.
  • If you’re uncomfortable with your husband going to a strip club for a bachelor’s party with his best buds you might want to reevaluate the relationship.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum

Question: Do I need permission from my husband to visit my family?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • No, you do not. He is not your parent.
  • You don’t need permission! My husband used to do this and would said we had something to do but we would spend the whole weekend at his moms. So one day i was done with it and I told him, we are going to spend one weekend with your mom and one weekend with mine. If he didn’t want to visit my mom then I wouldn’t visit his….good luck to you!
  • F**k no, you’re a grown a*s woman.

Marriage is a complex and beautiful journey that comes with its own set of challenges. Asking questions and seeking advice from others can be incredibly helpful in navigating those challenges and finding ways to make the most out of your marriage.

We hope that these 15 juiciest community questions about marriage have provided you with some insight into the realities of married life and some food for thought on how to approach certain situations. Remember, every marriage is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. Ultimately, it’s up to you and your partner to find what works best for you and to keep the love and passion alive in your marriage.

For more community-fueled content, keep reading! We’ve got more wild questions to share with you.

Question: ‘What would you do if your partner downloaded tinder and said it was for work?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • “Believe what you want” is classic. He’s doing something wrong. Period.
  • The fact he actually thought you would buy such a lame excuse is insulting and then ‘Believe what you like’… He’s checked out. Time to move on.
  • What job would require you to download tinder anyway? Come on, I don’t think you need anyone else to tell you what’s going on.
  • My ex husband did this! Told me a porn site made his account. He had a photo uploaded and a little bio written exactly how he would write things.
  • My ex husband literally did this and said it was for getting his dating advice business going. We’re now happily divorced!

Question: ‘How can I tell my friend her children do not smell good?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I would be honest. If those kids smell that bad that’s a child protection call waiting to happen. Is it their clothes or actual body odor? Does their house smell like that too? There are a lot of reasons why they stink. Either way, be honest and let her know.
  • If that’s your best friend speak directly. Maybe it’s none of those above reasons and your friend is really going through something . These are warning signs especially in women.
  • Maybe write her a letter and don’t sign it so she doesn’t know where it came from because I think if your honest with her she may get upset and that would be difficult for your friendship!
  • Just tell her that they stink they are probably nose blind and don’t realize they stink.
  • If she is a true friend she should expect you to be honest. That what friends are for.

Question: ‘Why is my toddler eating his poop?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Prayers for your son in Jesus mighty name Amen.
  • Oooo we had a kid at our center like this and he was vitamin deficient! He got some therapy and treatment and was all better in 4ish months. You are so brave and such a good mom for asking for help!
  • Maybe a vitamin deficiency? Or there’s a thing called pica where people crave non food items.
  • As a mental health professional I promise at this age it’s not that unusual. Usually it means he has a vitamin deficiency or is getting comfort in some way. It like kids who pick their nose and eat it.

Question: ‘How to sage a house and rid of a ghost?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • My brother used to say, what’s the worst a ghost can do? Blow some wind at you.
  • Definitely would suggest finding a medium to help, they can direct you to the best solution.
  • Sage with the doors and windows open so the spirit can get out and then salt the doors and windows. Tell it that it’s not welcome in your home.
  • I would be gone that sounds pretty freaky…

Question: ‘Does your spouse time you when you do something?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • That is insanely controlling!!! I don’t even want to think of what else this man does that is completely unacceptable and uncalled for. It’s only going to get worse over time though. #boybye
  • Tell your spouse to bugger off. If they want it done faster tell them to do it!
  • Time him during sex and then say he needs to last longer.
  • I’ve delt with this, they could also be timing you so they can cover up what they are doing, not saying this is the case, but he could be either cheating or something and timing you so he can do that but than blaming you for not being fast enough. Definitely red flag either way it’s wrong!

Question: ‘Was I wrong for calling the cops on my sons friend?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Be proud that your son told you what was happening… I know I would be… And second you did the right thing by calling the cops… That kid would no longer be allowed in my home after that.
  • You are not wrong at all. You are raising a good young man. That dad… Not so much. That behaviour needs to be nipped in the Bud right there and maybe getting arrested may have hopefully helped him change his path… one can hope anyways.
  • You’re definitely in the right. That dad is raising a bad child and is approving of his delinquent behavior. You should be proud your son said no, though! Means you’re raising him correctly. And the fact he trusts you enough to come talk to you is awesome. :heart: but no don’t feel bad for calling the cops you did the right thing.
  • No way! You did the right thing. His father should be thanking you for reaching his son a lesson because obviously he hasn’t brought him up to know what’s right and wrong.
  • No. You are not wrong. His actions, his consequences. He needs to learn that daddy can’t get him out of consequences in the real world. Obviously he has done this before. I’m soooo happy your son came to you and told you what happened. Good job at raising him right Momma!!! 

Question: ‘Would I be wrong to skip my uncles funeral for my daughters baseball game?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • If my nephew missed my funeral to go to his daughter’s baseball game I’m going to come back and haunt him. She’s 10, you’ve 8 more years to watch her play sports. This is a good life lesson for your daughter as well. Sometimes we have to put our plans/events to the side to be there for people we love. I totally understand you not wanting to take her. You going will teach her a valuable lesson.
  • How would you feel if it was your funeral or your daughter’s funeral, and others elected to go to a ball game rather than pay respects?
  • There will be more games, but you’ll never get to say good bye to your uncle again.
  • Set a good example of the importance of “family” by attending the funeral. There will be many more events in her life.

Question: ‘What do you do when you are in your car and your child has to pee?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’m not judging but…why didn’t you just go inside?
  • It’s called pull into a parking spot and take them inside to use the restroom. It’s not that hard to do.
  • They have little mini potty toilets that collapse and you store in a bag on Amazon. You just put a bag on the inside of it if and then throw it away. Works great for the car!
  • I just pull over and tell her it’s only emergencies to squat…I just open the passenger front door and the back door to make a little enclosed area to feel covered.

Question: ‘Anyone else have a child that will not stop talking?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Possible meds? Put in ear buds, white noise on headphones, can you leave him alone and go somewhere quiet? Chewing gum or teething beads or singing lessons or learning to play an instrument you have to blow into to keep his mouth occupied? Maybe steer him towards a job as a DJ? Has he always been this way or is puberty exacerbating this?
  • Mine is 4 but the same way. Sometimes she talks so fast she makes up words and sounds to fill the middle of her sentences. Its a lot.
  • I put on his noise canceling headphones.
  • Mine is 24 and autistic. With his OCD he says yeah and I know literally at least a 1000 times a day but won’t rest until you repeat it. At least you don’t have to deal with that. Its exhausting. But you really should be grateful they can speak at all. For years I waited for mine to speak and I keep reminding myself of that.

Question: ‘Would it bother you if your husband never wore his wedding ring?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Ring or no ring, if he wants to cheat he will. He could wear his ring around you and take it off the moment he leaves. I wouldn’t let that upset you, tbh.
  • I don’t wear mine and my husband does. I work in a school so it gets in the way. Everyone knows that I’m married though. It all depends… is he acting single or saying he’s married?
  • No. My husband didn’t for a while. He worked in a place that would have been dangerous to wear one, so he switched to a silicone one. That irritated the skin under it, so he went without. He was bothered that he couldn’t wear one so he made the decision to get a tattoo. I personally know only one person that refused to wear a ring, even when the wife asked. We’ll just say the reason he didn’t is for the exact reason most would suspect.
  • How long have you been married…take yours off for a while, say nothing and see how long it takes him to notice. What kind of work does he do?
  • 21 years married and he doesn’t wear it. Lost it once on a job site luckily found it. We have it, but I trust him.

RELATED: AITA For Serving My Husband’s Family Mac N Cheese For Dinner?

Question: ‘Anyones toddler refuses to try condiments?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It’s probably better than refusing to eat it unless it has a bunch of stuff all over it. Let her eat her food plain. I think as she gets older, natural curiosity will prompt her to try a condiment or two; especially if she sees others eating and enjoying them. I didn’t put condiments on my kids’ food when they were starting out on solid food, because I wanted them to taste the food instead of the condiment; but later on condiments were offered. Tastes change over time as well. With toddlers, you gotta pick your battles at times! Good luck!
  • My youngest used to drink condiments from the bottle. I had to eventually gate the kitchen when I seen her chugging maple syrup and ranch????‍♀️.
  • Sounds like she likes the taste of food! That sounds great! Some kids won’t eat unless their food is covered in condiments. Definitely take it as a win!
  • My 6 year old daughter refuses all condiments… mustard, ketchup barbecue sauce, relish, soya sauce, salad dressing, etc.
  • It’s not a bad thing necessarily. Some countries don’t even utilize condiments. Your child will grow up appreciating the taste of the food instead of everything having to be altered.

Question: ‘Has anyones spouse had wet dreams?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
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Best Replies:

  • It’s VERY common! However, it’s not always discussed. ( I’m not saying that’s a good thing, Just that it occurs). I do think that it is something that needs to be normalized (in and out of relationships), and discussed.
  • Well, I can’t see my spouse’s dreams so going from pure logic and sense…probably. :rofl: doesn’t everyone at some point…
  • Why would you even post something like this? SMH!!!
  • I had quite a few while pregnant! Lol
  • Are you even old enough to be married if you’re asking this question?

Question: ‘Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
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Best Replies:

  • What about Decaf with milk? Our 2 year old wants to be just like us so we make him a decaf. He feels so grown up!
  • Doesn’t sound like it’s an every day occurrence. Imagine the memories being made. If you’re worried, send a bottle of sugar free creamer along. But I wouldn’t want to ruin such a special moment being shared over a little sugar.
  • The memories are worth far more than being upset about a little bit of sugar imo. If my mom did this with my son, I’d just shrug it off, it’s only once in a while and it’s special to them <3
  • Tell her to use milk or a non dairy milk like almond milk to dilute all that creamer.

Question: ‘I want to name my son Lucifer but my family has an issue with it: Advice?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I personally love the name. But I also love that show. Your child, your choice.
  • Why? Why would you want to TORTURE your child? He will be picked on, best up, have hexes thrown at him, holy water, curses, etc ALL BECUZ YOU WANT THIS STUPID NAME. It literally means devil! You stupid idiot if you do this and condemn him to a life of misery until he is old enough to legally change it himself. Be a GOOD MOTHER and give him a NORMAL NAME!
  • My sons are 28, when they were in grade school there was a boy named Igor in their class. He was from another country, but by the time 8th grade came around, he had convinced his Mom to legally change his name to John. I really don’t think the kids teased him too much about his name, but Kids really don’t like different names. Get a dog and name him Lucifer…
  • What he ends up being a Christian? Being named Lucifer would be terrible.
  • I would never name my child that, because of how he would get treated in the future. I would suggest finding names that are similar like Luca, Castiel, Lazarus, or even Lucian sounds better. If you really like the name, get a pet and name it Lucifer.

Question: ‘Should we allow our kids to play with kids of a different faith?’

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
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Best Replies:

  • You open your minds and let your kids play with other kids.
  • IF this is not a troll…why wouldn’t you? Perfect time to teach acceptance of other’s despite differences.
  • Your kids are going to experience other religions throughout there life. You can’t keep your children from everyone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you unless you lock them in your basement.
  • They will be exposed to different religions in school on the playground. Sadly you can’t shelter your kids from everything that’s different.
  • This… this is like, a late April Fool’s joke, right? If not, OP, PLEASE, make yourself some friends outside of your cult, because, dang.
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