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Kate Gosselin Loses Court Case Against Jon Gosselin a Year After Collin Gosselin Gets Real About His Relationship With His Mom

Kate Gosselin To Possibly Return To Work As A Nurse After Whispers Of Financial Trouble

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Kate Gosselin isn’t getting the $132,000 she is looking for.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Kate went after her ex-husband Jon Gosselin, claiming in court that he owed her $132,000 in back child support. As it is well known, Kate and Jon share 8 children together.

Immediately after their divorce, Kate was awarded custody of all of their children. However, after Kate institutionalized her son Collin, Collin’s sister Hannah left her mother’s house to live with her father. 

In 2018, Jon was awarded full custody of both Hannah and Collin while their other six siblings remained with Kate. Now, each of the 8 children are 18 years or older.

Kate now lives in North Carolina and reports suggest she is “financially struggling.” 

The ruling on this court case comes about a year after Collin spoke out against his mom. As you may remember, Collin is the sextuplet whom Kate institutionalized.

Several years ago, Kate put Collin in an institution. In an exclusive interview with People, Kate claimed that the reason she placed Collin into the institution was because of his behavioral issues.

RELATED: Jon Gosselin’s Daughter Hannah Comes to His Defense After He Was Investigated for Abusing His Son Collin

Collin Gosselin Gets Real About His Relationship With His Mom, Kate Gosselin

For years, Collin remained at the institution until his father, Jon, filed for full custody of his son after his daughter, Hannah, also left Kate’s home to live with him. As Collin said himself, he celebrated his 13th and 14th birthday isolated away from his loved ones.

Over the last few years, Jon has spoken out against his ex-wife, saying Collin didn’t have any behavioral issues. “It’s unfortunate that’s how my mom phrased me as a person. But I don’t see those things,” Collin said about Kate telling the world he had “special needs,” and “I don’t think anyone else sees those things,” he continued.

Now, for the first time, we are hearing Collin’s side of the story. Believe it or not, Jon and Kate’s six youngest children are now 18 years old.

“After being [in the institution], I didn’t have a relationship with her,” Collin told ET exclusively. “Even before [being] there, I don’t think we had much of a relationship and I think that just kept tearing it even more down.”

Collin added that the negative moments he shared with his mom were “worse than what you would say the average teenage kid goes through with their parent.” But now that years have passed, he’s been able to understand why those moments occurred.

“I came to the conclusion that everybody has their own agenda, you know? My mom had her own agenda, and I don’t know exactly what that was. But I was put in a tough spot and my agenda was to make it out on top of that tough spot.”

Collin went on to say that he doesn’t have fond memories have once being a reality TV star. In fact, he believes it was their reality show that ultimately tore his family apart.

“I want to believe it was because of TV and what being in the public eye does to a family. I think it tore us apart,” Collin continued. “It gave us less time to actually be together as a family, [and] more time to be in the public eye.”

And as for whether or not Collin is open to a reconciliation with his mom, he said it’s a possibility, ET reports. “It’s unfortunate that we didn’t have a relationship,” Collin revealed. “I think every son wants to have a relationship with their mom. But I’m doing very well.”

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Now, Collin says he is sharing his experience with the world in hopes of showing others that despite getting knocked down, it’s always possible to get back up.

“I want to say that in life we all go through hard things. We all get knocked down, we all experience really, really difficult things. But don’t sit around and mourn and cry about it, address the situation you’re in and fix it and come out on top of it. Because resilience is a really important thing.”

Collin adds, “My one message to everybody, to the world, in general, is just be kind to people. It’s really not that hard, you know? Be kind, talk to people, hear other people’s stories, just spread kindness.”

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