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Collin Gosselin Reportedly Accuses Dad, Jon Gosselin, of Abuse Years After Jon Pulled Him Out of Institution

Collin Gosselin Reportedly Accuses Dad, Jon Gosselin, of Abuse Years After Jon Pulled Him Out of Institution

Jon Gosselin/Instagram

As the media has covered at length, in 2018, Jon Gosselin, of TLC’s Jon and Kate Plus 8, was applauded when he removed one of his children, Collin Gosselin, from the institution Kate Gosselin put him in, in 2016.

As Kate once said in an interview with People, she institutionalized her son in order to get him the care he needed after he was diagnosed with special needs. The mom of eight never discussed exactly what those special needs were, but explained that the decision she made was the best decision she could have made for her son.

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“Collin has special needs,” Kate said in 2016. “[There’s] a fairly fluid diagnosis of what those needs are, but he needs to learn certain strategies to help him deal with things. This has been a struggle we’ve had for a very long time, and it’s one I’ve dealt with on my own. I’ve felt very alone in this. By the same token, it’s not something that has only impacted me or him – our entire family has been impacted.”

However, after removing his son from the institution, an investigation by the County of Berks, Pennsylvania Child & Youth Services has been open, according to People. CYS has also notified Kate of the investigation which is looking into an alleged violent incident that occurred between Jon and Collin earlier this month.

Collin allegedly discussed the incident in which he claims his father “beat” him on Instagram. And although the post has since been deleted, People reported the context of the social media confession.

“My dad is a liar,” Collin allegedly wrote. “Yesterday he beat me up and thought nothing of it, he punched me in the face and gave me a swollen nose and I started bleeding. He then continued to kick me in the ribs after I was on the floor. He is a liar.”

A source, who reportedly as knowledge of the situation that caused the alleged incident, told People that it allegedly all began when Collin got extremely angry for an unknown reason.

“Collin got furious and was screaming and swearing. When they got home, he was still screaming and cursing and he went into the garage and got … a big heavy bottle of liquid — and hurled it at Jon’s car, denting it. Jon got out of the car enraged, put him in a headlock, punched him square in the nose, and when Collin fell to the ground, then he kicked him in the ribs.”

From there, Collin called the police. After police responded to the call, Berks County District Attorney John Adams told People that “no charges or citations filed as a result of that incident. That’s the only incident we are aware of at this point and there was no citation or charges filed as a result of the incident.”

Kate Gosselin has since responded to the allegations against her ex-husband.

The fact that Gosselin will reportedly not face any repercussion for the alleged incident Kate says makes her sick to her stomach. “I do not want this buried, swept under the rug, or minimized. As a mother, I am not going to sit quietly and idly by while my child, any of my children, is assaulted by anyone, let alone their own father,” Kate told People.

“You do not punch and kick your children. You do not kick a child. I don’t want to hear any excuses from anyone, not from his father, not from local law enforcement, not from court personnel whose job is supposedly to ensure the best interests of my children. There is a child abuse law, PA 23, section 8i states that doing any of the following, regardless of whether it causes injury, is child abuse, and first on that list is kicking. Period. I don’t want my children around him. Enough is enough.”

As Kate continued, she said she is “spotlighting this,” and will continue to do so until something is done about. “I will keep shouting about it, in the hopes that the authorities and the courts will finally do the right thing. Do not return my child to an abuser’s home. Jon needs to be charged with a crime. If this were your child, would you feel okay with having it swept under the rug?”

And the mom of 8 didn’t stop there. Kate went on to say that she is “horrified that this man is the father of my children. I don’t want my children to be associated with someone who loses his mind because his car got dented.”

“I stayed silent for a long time as Jon has repeatedly tried to start world wars with vicious words, allegations of abuse that were always unfounded, but I never engaged—I never fought back for myself or to defend myself, because there were eight people who matter more to me. But now that it involves one of my children, I will not stay silent anymore. Say whatever you want about me, and I’ll stay on the high road. But you harm my children, I’m ready to fight back.”

Jon has also issued a response to the allegations against and the investigation that resulted from them. A statement given to E! News via his rep, read, “Jon has never abused Collin. No charges have been filed against him and there’s no ongoing CYS investigation. Collin has endured severe trauma. Jon is a loving father who has worked hard to ensure that his son gets the support and help he needs.”

RELATED: Kate Gosselin Returns to Social Media For Sextuplets 16th Birthday, Jon Also Shares Message to the 6 of His 8 Children

It is believed that Hannah also still lives with Jon. The last time Jon talked about his kids on Instagram was on July 4.

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