Mamas Uncut

Hilarious Cocomelon Memes That Every Parent Needs to See

Cocomelon is the second most viewed channel on YouTube around the world. That means that there are a ton of Cocomelon memes that viewers have created from the lullaby videos. Cocomelon is both a blessing and a curse for parents because young children can’t get enough of it while parents get tired of hearing the same lullaby hundreds of times. The show is very soothing for children but for parents, it’s a nerve-grater. The love and vitriol that folks have for the show result in some very dramatic Cocomelon memes.

We decided to round up dozens of these funny memes to share with you. If this show has made you feel alienated as a parent, trust us, you are not alone. There are so many hilarious memes made by parents about their feelings toward the program. If you’re looking for the funniest, most subversive Cocomelon memes, you have come to the right place. Take a scroll through our curated list below and be sure to share these memes with the fellow Cocomelon-haters in your life.

True Fear

Cocomelon Memes

“I fear no man,” this meme says. “But that thing… it scares me.” Poor JJ what did he ever do to this man in the shadows? We imagine it was hour after hour of lullabies from the show that instilled fear in his heart. Cocomelon might seem benign, but we would all be wise to be more suspect of JJ and the like.



Do you ever feel like your toddler is the boss of the house? If so, this is one of the Cocomelon memes that should speak to your lived experience. When the kid has a meltdown to watch Cocomelon, most of us are just going to give in. Cocomelon is your master now.



“When you’re helping someone reverse and they back into a wall,” this meme says. Dad is getting up to some mischief in one of the few Cocomelon memes to feature the character. It’s a funny one that really made us laugh. We hope it did the same for you.



You have to choose between watching another episode of Cocomelon or sitting in a chair made of broken glass. What destiny are you choosing? We feel like this is the red pill/blue pill situation but for parents of toddlers. There are no wrong answers here, just choices.

Please, Weigh In


We’re placing bets! “Which family would win in [a] street brawl?” this meme asks. Our money is on JJ’s family but you might beg to differ. JJ seems like the scrappy underdog type who rises to the occasion and fights dirty.



Well, here’s food for thought. “The president of 2084 probably watching Cocomelon right now,” it says. It’s one of the chilling Cocomelon memes that puts things into perspective. If you fear that the show could be rotting children’s brains, this should scare you on a deep level. Then again, who knows if we’ll still have a “democracy” then.

Time for Bed…


“Me: No more Cocolemon, time for bed,” this meme says. Then, we’re treated to an image that’s been captioned “My 4-year-old.” This is one of the Cocomelon memes that really captures the passion that young kids have for this show. They will fight you to the death to keep watching those lullabies for the 333rd time.



Is there a sound that strikes fear in parents’ hearts more than the Cocomelon theme song? We can think of no other. If you too want to shut down all of your faculties the instant that song starts, this is one of the best Cocomelon memes for you. How is it possible to be this tired?

What Is It, Actually?


Honestly, the cartoons the previous generations grew up with were extremely weird. We had Fraggle Rock, Teletubbies, weird Muppet stuff, and many stranger things. That being said, Cocomelon is pretty odd if you’re not under the age of 5. Somehow, it really resonates with kids and it’s rather wholesome. But, it’s fine if you’ll never “get it.”

Not Sure…


“Not sure if I’ve just heard all of the Cocomelon songs 1000 times or if they all just sound the same,” this meme says. They do all sound the same, don’t they? The creators of the show clearly have a winning formula (not winning for parents) when it comes to creating music for each episode. You’re not the only one who feels like they are in The Twilight Zone.

For Real

Here’s another one of the Cocomelon memes about that terrifying intro music. Can you relate? Have you ever wanted to scream so loud that your blood-curdling cries tune out that theme song? No, just us? We think Will and Grace understand the situation.

The Plan


Here’s one for the new parents out there who have a baby who has trouble sleeping through the night. It’s one of the Cocomelon memes that really gets what parenting a baby is like. It might feel, at times, like there is a conspiracy underway but we assure you, your baby is not planning to interrupt your sleep.

RELATED: Why Kristen Bell Doesn’t Show Her Kids’ Faces on Social Media

Exhausted Parents


We can tell the creator of this meme that Cocomelon is so popular because parents are tired. We’re tired. We need a moment’s peace from caring for the little ones. Cocomelon offers that. Is it an ideal situation? Will the show eventually start ripping your sanity to shreds? Yes! But, until then, you can sit for a minute.



Here’s another one of the Cocomelon memes about it diverging from more traditional forms of children’s entertainment. It’s easy to try and draw comparisons but Cocomelon is just on a different level with its fans. We can appreciate the adventures of Curious George and see the appeal for children to watch this wacky lullaby show.

Questionable Conclusion


This is one of the Cocomelon memes that takes you on a bit of a journey. The conclusion here is questionable but it looks like they did the Punnett square math. It’s the right kind of stupid we want from a meme. Bravo!



For better or worse, Netflix can’t quit Cocomelon. Is it a blessing or a curse for new episodes to stream? We imagine hearing and seeing something new will be a thrill for your child but less so for you. Cocomelon is just so repetitive that it’s hard to tell what’s new and what you’ve already seen.

For the Parents Out There


We get a dose of reality from Cody’s Dad in this meme that says, “I slept great last night, got a full 40 minutes.” Well, that’s not ideal and neither is being a parent most of the time. This is one of the great Cocomelon memes to send to your friends who also have kids that deprive them of sleep.

The Horror


Oh, yeah. This one’s money. With an assist from Keanu Reeves, we find one of the very best Cocomelon memes ever created. If you’ve ever been made to watch the program, you understand that it feels what this meme looks like. No matter how old you get, you’ll never forget the uncanny feeling of watching an episode of Cocomelon for the first time and realizing it will be your prison for the next several years.



Coconut = good. Coconut + Melon = Bad. The math is that simple. This is one of the Cocomelon memes that simply makes sense. Stay on the right side of history and don’t give into the Coconut + Melon formula. We can and should do better.

Is It Really?


Honest question for the toddlers out there? Is it really entertaining or do they just understand that it drives their parents insane and thus, continue watching it on an endless loop? It’s something we’ve wondered and we’re not sure what the right answer is. Can toddlers be given a lie detector test?



“Why did you turn the Cocomelon [off]!!?” this image is captioned. It’s one of the best Cocomelon memes for parents who have experienced their child’s violent wrath. They can’t watch TV forever, however, and you’re just doing the responsible thing. How do we get kids to understand?

No One:


Here’s one of the weirdest Cocomelon memes we stumbled across and it was so offbeat, that we felt the need to share it with you. We find Steven Buscemi’s face super-imposed on this child’s and it is enough to give you nightmares. It is worth noting that the children on Cocomelon do look very strange.

Choose the Victor


Would you place a bet on JJ taking out the North Korean army? We’re pretty sure if he just sang his lullabies on repeat the troops would retreat. No one deserves that sort of mental terrorism and warfare. If you’ve witnessed Cocomelon, you know just how potent a force the characters from the series can be. We don’t trust them for one second.

Who Else?


“Tell me you’re a new mom without telling me you’re a new mom,” this tweet says. “I’ll go first: A Cocomelon song had me crying this morning.” Yep! That about sums it up. If you’ve not cried along to a Cocomelon song, have you even lived? We relate so hard to this one and think it’s a perfectly crafted tweet.

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Not Jealous

“Watching the dad on Cocomelon cook and clean everything,” this tweet says about a reaction gif from Friends. “I’m so happy and not at all jealous,” it says. This is one of the Cocomelon memes for the dads out there who need to pick up their slack. JJ’s Dad knows what’s up in this regard.

There you go! What did you think of these Cocomelon memes? We hope some of them made you feel better about those complex feelings we have for the children’s program. On the one hand, it’s great to have a show that our young ones enjoy. On the other, it’s painful to sit through. These Cocolemon memes celebrate the agony and ecstasy of seeing and hearing this very strange show.

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