Mamas Uncut

How Old Is Too Old When It Comes to Co-Sleeping?

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QUESTION: How Old Is Too Old to Co-Sleep?

“How old is too old to co-sleep with your kids?

My oldest is 12, and I still let him co-sleep with me. If you don’t co-sleep, please don’t comment!”

RELATED: Science Says: Co-Sleeping Might Not Be As Dangerous As We All Thought

How Old Is Too Old When It Comes to Co-Sleeping?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Sometimes, a kid just needs mom! It’s not about what others think is right, it’s what works for your family, no one else’s opinions or situations should determine your family dynamics.”

My oldest is 22 and my youngest is 2. My oldest doesn’t live at home anymore, but when he comes home he will still crawl in the bed with me and fall asleep. My other three are 8, 7, and 2. And most nights they all crowd the bed. Kids needs their momma most at night when the bad dreams happen. Once they stop needing you to fight those bad dreams you stop being their super hero.”

“I slept with my mama every night till I was 13. And even occasionally when I was scared or upset until the age of 15. I even kicked her boyfriend out of their bed for a whole month due to being scared over a movie. She died when I was 17. Let them sleep with you, mama.”

“I have 2 teen girls who takes turn sleeping next to me while my 4 year old is on the other side of me. I’m over 30 and I’ll nap by my mom when I visit her. The comfort of being close is wonderful.”

“Believe it or not, I sometimes feel like I need my son next to me to sleep. I have some rough days and seeing his cute little snuggly face makes me happy.”

“I’m 33 and would still share a bed with my mom if I ever spent the night.”

“It’s never too old. You only get snuggles for a certain amount of time so take advantage of it!”

“Daughter is 6. And still sleeps with me. And she still likes to take showers with me as well. (She loves taking showers with mommy.) I just enjoy all those little mommy and daughter times while they last. Eventually she will be like the older ones. I have a 13 year old daughter who won’t even allow me in the bathroom with her.”

“I probably wouldn’t do it every night, but once in awhile is fine at any age. As long as you aren’t making him bed-share and it’s mutual it’s fine! I’m 27 and will sleep with my mom when I stay the night (if my step dad isn’t home lol). And when my grandmother was alive and home, I’d sleep with her too if I stayed over.”

“My seven year old is next to me right now. I’m sure my five and three year olds will join him at some point. I don’t stress about it. Hell, I still climb in bed with my mom when I’m at her house.”

“Meh I slept with my mom until I was 16. Im currently in bed with my 6 and 9 year old, I have a 13 year old who used to co-sleep but stopped on his own like 5 years ago. It doesn’t last forever, enjoy the time.”

“I honestly don’t think there is an age limit. My boys can be 30 and if they need to be hugged to sleep I’ll hug them to sleep. They are forever my babies. And if someone thinks its weird then oh well, it doesn’t really concern them.”

“My 13-year-old has her own room and still prefers to sleep on my bed. My 5 year old has his own bed next to mine and still can’t sleep without mommy. I’m a single mom and feel safer with them close to me anyway. Plus they’re only kids for so long. At some point, they’ll leave the nest. Right now I’m just enjoying the snuggles.”

“I slept beside my mother until I was 12, lol. My daughter is 5 and will never go to sleep without me and she wakes up when she can’t feel me beside her when she moves. You’re the safest place they can be so no one will judge you.”

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