Mamas Uncut

I Need Co-Parenting Advice: How Often Should I Speak with My Ex? Do We Need to Keep It ‘Business Only’?

A mom writes in asking for advice about co-parenting. She wants to hear from other moms in co-parenting situations about how often they communicate with their exes. She is also curious whether most people keep it “business only” and discuss only matters pertaining to the children or if there is room for friendly conversation. She wants to hear specifically from moms who say they have a “friendly” relationship with their ex.

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A member of the community asks:

“If you split from your child’s other parent, how often do you speak? Those of you who have children from a previous relationship that you co-parent with, how often do you speak/text to them throughout the day? Or if your significant other has children from a previous relationship, how often do they speak to that other parent? Are the conversations strictly about the children, or is there some other friendly conversation? This question is for anyone, but especially those who would say they have a friendly relationship with the other parent.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Has Questions About Co-Parenting Methods

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

I Need Co-Parenting Advice: How Often Should I Speak with My Ex? Do We Need to Keep It 'Business Only'?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I am on really good terms with my daughter’s dad. We talk daily. He gets along with my partner so they talk a fair bit as well. We work really hard to have a good relationship because it’s not our daughter’s fault we separated — she is a 6-year-old who had her life completely change. She shouldn’t have to suffer because we, as adults, could not work it out. It’s pretty amazing the relationship that we have.”

“My son’s father and I split over 3 years ago. We mostly argue. We aren’t friends. We discuss our son and that’s it. My stepson’s mom and my fiancé are civil with each other mostly. We actually co-parent very well with her and her new husband. We actually all go out and do things together as one big family.”

“I have a friendly relationship with my daughter’s dad and his girlfriend. We all still do things as a family, go to each other’s houses for supper and his girlfriend and I talk on a regular basis and about anything. It’s nice to have a good relationship I really feel for people who don’t cause in the end it’s only the child that suffers.”

“My son’s dad and I are still really close and I’m really good friends with his fiancé. We talk almost every day, as well as hang out a couple times a week. We share custody and learned over the years that it’s easier to be friends and try and do things together, and we both have other kids from relationships after and want all the kids to be close and know each other since they’re all siblings. I’m aware it doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s great for us.”

“We talk at least 2 times a week, sometimes more. We will randomly send one another pictures that we’ve taken of our son and funny things he’s done. Our son also knows that he is allowed to call either of us whenever he feels like it. We talk about more than just our son because we are friends.”

“Me and my ex talk every day, send each other pics, and we have a good friendship for our son’s sake, or else I wouldn’t talk to him. Our son is 7 months now and we both work full time and we alternate weekends. We split the week so neither of us misses out as he has 2 parents, not just 1. I think it’s so important for the mums and dads to have their children equally. It’s not fair one parent having the child full time, it’s not fair on the child let alone the other parent.”

“We don’t. At all. I’ll send the odd text when big things happen (report cards, school functions, losing teeth, little firsts, good behavior, etc.) He hardly sees her so even when she sees him he doesn’t text me.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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