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People Are Spreading Good Cheer in Bad Times By Decorating Their Homes With Christmas Lights

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With all the doom and gloom, many are wanting to make their days merry and bright.

With the world in chaos, many have gotten creative on how to spread joy in a small but inspiring way: by decorating their homes with Christmas lights.

Amidst A Pandemic, People Are Spreading Good Cheer By Decorating Their Homes With Christmas Lights
Image via Shutterstock

Many have decided to share their house decorations to social media from stunning lights hanging in the window to creating little shapes with lights.

“I saw something posted on this topic earlier today and I couldn’t stop thinking about how something so small like Christmas lights can lift people’s spirits during such a difficult time,” Heather Johnson, who shared her decorations on Instagram, shared with E! News. “It’s something easy (and pretty) homes can do to display hope for each other… for our world, really!”

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While another shared how they saw this deas as an opportunity to “show love and support to one another.”

“I saw the trend on Twitter today and wanted to be a part of it,” Carson Jean shared. “I feel like the lights are a reminder that we’re all in this together and that we’re going to come out of this stronger than ever. I hope that everyone takes part in the #lightsforlife trend to show love and support to one another.”

And while many are practicing social distancing, it does not mean you can’t go on a walk to view other’s Christmas lights or browse Twitter & Instagram under the hashtag #LightsForLife for a moment of joy.

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“You don’t have to break isolation in order to look at people’s lights,” Sarah Bang shared.

“Since I was home anyway, it was no great effort on my part to string up some lights in order to cheer people up and give them hope. I wanted to send some love and light out into the world, so I made a heart.”

And that is the kind of news we need more of! Stay safe folks.

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