Mamas Uncut

Christina Perri Gives Raw And Honest Update Following Pregnancy Loss

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Just two weeks after her pregnancy loss, Christina Perri is giving an honest update on how she and her family are really doing.

Perri, 34, revealed late last month how the daughter she and husband Paul Costabile were expecting had been “born silent.” Perri, who suffered a miscarriage in January, wrote that her daughter “is at peace now and will live forever in our hearts.”

Christina Perri Gives Raw And Honest Update Following Loss
Image via Instagram

Last week, Perri posted a photo to Instagram of her daughter, Carmella Stanley, 2½, whom she shares with Costabile, revealing to her followers how her “days have been long and yet also feel like they all blend into one” in the two weeks since losing her pregnancy loss.

“Hi friends. i couldn’t think of one thing that felt appropriate to post after my last post other than carmella and our little pug puppy, chocolate chip. she has brought a little bit of joy back into our house,” wrote Perri. “Honestly she hasn’t left my side. the days have been long and yet also feel like they all blend into one. we’re not ok, but we believe in a day we will be.”

“Me, paul, and carmella all wrap each other up in love and in sadness every day,” she shared. “We’re learning to navigate our grief together. some days we can’t swim, some days we float fine. every day we burst into tears and every day we find moments to laugh. it’s been all the feelings, all the emotions, all the questions, all the anger, all the sadness; all day long.”

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RELATED: Christina Perri Loses Baby Girl: ‘She Will Live Forever In Our Hearts’

Perri said that “some moments of surrender and hope slip in there, but not often,” adding how she knows “that’s all normal” when it comes to the grieving process.

“Honestly it’s been mostly overwhelming. but also, what’s been overwhelming has been the love and support,” she wrote. “The calls, texts, messages, emails, letters, flowers, packages, gifts, food, prayers, cards, stories and visits have been the greatest outpouring of love in my lifetime. yes, it’s been the worst experience of my life, but how bittersweet to also be the most loved i’ve ever felt at the same time. thank you.”

“Thank you to everyone we know and everyone we don’t know who has held us up and everyone who has carried us through so far,” continued Perri. “Especially a heartfelt thank you to everyone who keeps showing us their own wounds and pain to help soften ours. you all have shown us a kindness we’ll never forget. we love you, so much.”

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RELATED: Christina Perri Hospitalized with Pregnancy Complications After Previous Miscarriage

Perri shared how she will continue to stay on all of her social media channels so she “can continue to heal with my family,” noting how her accounts will be “run by my team and will be all about what’s coming next.”

“The next time you hear from me my album will be ready! which, honestly, is the hopeful future self i look forward to healing back into soon,” she wrote. “It truly is my favorite music i’ve ever made, so i am deeply excited for when the moment is right to give it to you.”

“Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time. i hope the holidays bring you joy and i hope after a year that brought us so many storms, we find only rainbows in the new one,” Perri ended the post.

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