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Christina Anstead’s Daughter Tells Mom She Hopes Paps Don’t Photograph Her 6 Weeks After Baby

Christina Anstead's Daughter Tells Mom She Hopes Paps Don't Photograph Her 6 Weeks After Baby

Christina Anstead/Instagram

People often say they want the honest truth, but sometimes the truth is a little jarring to hear, especially when it comes from your own flesh and blood.

On Instagram, HGTV star Christina Anstead, formerly known as Christina El Moussa, revealed that while she was taking her oldest child, 9-year-old daughter Taylor to school one morning, she was hit with a little truth bomb.

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Look, it’s no secret kids have little to no filter early on in life, so when it comes from the mouth of babes, it’s usually something you can’t ignore. As Anstead wrote, she and her screaming 6-week-old son were dropping Tay off at school when “she said something that really hit home”:

“She said ‘mom, do paparazzi still follow you around?’ And I said ‘no not lately. Why?’ She said ‘well what if they got a photo of you looking like THAT.’ ???????? I’m like, ‘I wouldn’t care, that’s the least of my worries … this is how I look and I’m still out and about, this is how new moms look.'”

Anstead, who welcomed her third child, Hudson, but first with her second husband, Ant Anstead, less than two months ago, said her daughter pondered what her mom said for a moment before revealing her plans for the future.

“She wants three kids and I have to live with her so I can watch them.” The mom of three joked that she’s “glad these past 6 weeks haven’t scared her off from babies lol.”

Anstead then went on to say life with a newborn is hard, and it’s far from perfect, and she’s sick of seeing all of the filters that help blur out what’s real.

“Newborn life is hard. It’s not all Instagram filters of perfection that people put out there. F that. That’s so misleading for new moms. I haven’t been online or posting much because my hands are full – literally. Huds is definitely a tough baby.”

The mom said over the last six weeks, Hudson has cried for hours straight and he’s had a hard time learning how to suck. They “cut out dairy, tried colic calm,” and more.

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They found that keeping him “tightly double swaddled in a dark cool room with very loud white noise” does the trick to calm him down, but with a 9-year-old and 4-year-old also running around, giving Hudson what he wants has been hard.

“Hudson’s choice of spending his time is very unrealistic when we have a crazy 4-year-old running around who definitely needs attention as well as a 9-year-old girl whose one-on-one time is her love language. I say this with mad props to all stay-at-home moms/moms with more than two kids. Being outnumbered is no joke. I go back to work in 2 weeks so it’s about to get even more crazy around here.”

Anstead went on to say that she wanted to share her story that morning because “when you see me looking decent on tv, know that I probably had a freaking crazy morning and it is what it is.” She concluded, “Sorry for the long post- Wish us all luck. It takes a village lol.”

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