Mamas Uncut

Christina Anstead Gets Honest About Divorce And Career: ‘I’m Messy, I’m Real And I’m Working On Healing’

Christina Anstead is getting honest about her divorce, her career, and who she really is behind the scenes.

Anstead kept it real during her lastest Instagram post — addressing her recent divorce from Ant Anstead, her career and what her life really looks like.

Christina Anstead Gets Honest About Divorce And Career
Image via Instagram

“For those of you who don’t know me (or think you know me) let me reintroduce myself,” she began her sizeable message on Saturday, Sept. 26.

“I hate crowds, I love traveling, all things spiritual, the ocean and deep one on one conversations.”

Anstead revealed how she never as herself being in the public eye, discussing how she originally wanted to be a “sports agent like Jerry Maguire.”

Image via Instagram

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“I never thought about being on tv… I always loved looking at houses with my parents especially model homes and I always wanted to be my own boss,” she shared.

She then added how she got her real estate license in college after listening to her intuition.

“Now while I never wanted to be on tv, stepping out of my comfort zone and into the unknown has always been my thing,” she went on.

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And while Christina is “grateful” for the platform television has given her, she shared how it comes with its own obstacles.

“I live in a state of anxiousness and I’m so used to it that when it’s not there I tend to feel a void and hop into something that causes the feeling I’m used to,” she shared.

“This can be good and bad. And it’s one of the things I’m working on breaking the pattern of. Sometimes anxiety and pursuit of new dreams leads me down amazing paths, other times it leaves me feeling lost and in a state of fight or flight / or crying in my closet.”

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