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Chrissy Teigen Reveals Her Genius Screen Time Strategy

Chrissy Teigen on Screen Time

The internet’s most relatable celebrity mom, Chrissy Teigen, is never one to sugarcoat the realities of parenting. Her two small children challenge her on the daily, and she’s always down to tackle every kind of parenting subject with humor and humility.

Take screen time for example. Chrissy is upfront about allowing Luna, 3, and Miles, 1, limited time in front of screens.

In an interview with Harper’s Baazar, the mama shared her thoughts on the controversial subject. “You have to keep them involved in things they love and be a master at distraction. Luna will beg to use my phone, like beg, in bed because there’s an app she loves.”

“But there are certain situations, like when you’re on a plane or in a restaurant, where goddammit, it’s going to help those surrounding us. We are not those people that are like, ‘No screen time!’ So, you try to download all the coolest learning activities so at least they’re learning something.”

The author’s advice for parents fighting the screen battle? Redirect! “Kids are only crazy about something for a minute,” Chrissy continued. “So if you can get through a minute of that screaming and begging while you think of something else like an art project, a book, or stickers, they forget they even wanted it in the first place. You have to get super amped about something else and they will match that excitement, and that’s how you deal with it.”

Perhaps take a page out of Chrissy’s book and distract with a breast pump or a (toy) axe

What do you think of Chrissy Teigen’s screen time philosophy?

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