Chrissy Teigen Is Helping Other Moms Who Dealt With Postpartum Depression Feel Like Their Not Alone

Chrissy Teigen is known for being open about all aspects of her life. Whether it be her marriage to John Legend, her experience parenting two young kids, or her adventures in Hollywood, Teigen is a pretty open book.

And the mom’s postpartum experience is no exception. She’s been candid about her struggles with postpartum depression after having her now 2-year-old daughter, Luna.

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“It was a sad existence,” Teigen told Glamour UK. “There were no highs. It was a flatline of life for a few months.” Teigen admitted that she didn’t consider going to the doctor until Luna was a few months old. She said that was because she only had negative feelings towards herself, not her daughter.

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Chrissy Teigen Didn’t Seek Help for Her Postpartum Depression Because She Only Had Negative Feelings for Herself Not Her Child

“You hear these horrific stories of people not seeing their child as theirs, or wanting to hurt them, and I never felt that way. That’s why I put off getting it checked as I hated myself, not my child,” she told Glamour UK.

“I don’t know why I didn’t realize, as it was so obvious to everyone else!” Teigen said that she felt “very introverted” during that period because of the depression and had a “paralyzing anxiety of going out.”

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When she had her son Miles two years later, Teigen wasn’t worried about getting postpartum depression again because they had “solved it,” she said. “It made it so much easier just knowing we would spot it immediately if it did happen again.”

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“When you are in it, you don’t realize what life is like outside the hole and so I wasn’t worried [with Miles] because we solved it. There are so many things with Miles, like not coming to me first when other people are around, that would have affected me if Luna had done the same. I thought she didn’t like me or want to be around me, but that was in my own head.”

Thankfully, now that Teigen has been able to overcome her postpartum struggles, there’s nothing but smiles when she’s spending lots of quality time with her little ones.

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