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Chrissy Teigen Opens Up About Her Body Nearly One Year After Losing Son, Jack

Chrissy Teigen Opens Up About Her Body Nearly One Year After Lossing Son, Jack


Chrissy Teigen has opened up about her body after losing her third child, Jack, at 20 weeks. As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Teigen and her husband, John Legend, revealed that they lost their son on October 1, 2020.

In their initial statement, Chrissy Teigen revealed that they “never decide on our babies’ names until the last possible moment after they’re born, just before we leave the hospital. But we, for some reason, had started to call this little guy in my belly, Jack. So he will always be Jack to us. Jack worked so hard to be a part of our little family, and he will be, forever.”

Chrissy Teigen Opens Up About Her Body Nearly One Year After Losing Son, Jack

Teigen further wrote, at the time, “To our Jack – I’m so sorry that the first few moments of your life were met with so many complications, that we couldn’t give you the home you needed to survive. We will always love you.”

Now, the mom of Luna and Miles is opening up about what it is like attempting to lose the baby weight after the loss of a child. As Chrissy Teigen initially admitted, “it’s really weird.”

“It’s really weird when you lose a baby and your body gets paused in time,” Chrissy Teigen said. “Usually you’d gain your ‘yumyums I’m praaaagnant’ weight, then put on the weight of your little bebe. Then, ideally, you’d have your baby. And you would feed it from your boobs and your body would know to charge through and do what it does to get you back into fighting shape, whatever that may be, for however long it takes (F*CK a snap-back).”

However, as Teigen revealed, that’s not how it works when you lose a baby halfway through the pregnancy. “Your body just pauses,” Teigen continued. “It has nothing to do. No one to feed. And you’re just…stuck.” 

“Stuck with saggy boobs that were prepping to be milk bags, a belly that was ready to bake. I would be lying if I said this did not majorly suck. Not only are you, umm extremely, diabolically sad at what could have been, but you have this daily reminder every time you look in the g*dd*mn mirror.”

Teigen admitted that she doesn’t “really have a big ending or positive words” for anyone else. And she certainly isn’t looking for the usual comments letting her know it’s not everything and that she will get through it and that she’s a warrior for all she’s been through. 

Chrissy Teigen concluded she just wanted to get these particular feelings off her cheat before adding,” F*ck a scale!”

Commenters who have been through something similar shared their own similar sentiments as well.

“Also when you start to produce milk with no one on the receiving end and your boobs start to swell and harden and become so painful you have to keep ice packs on them around the clock, and all your hair starts falling out, and you expect that post-pregnancy glow but instead you just get constant tears,” a follower wrote. “Love you Jack and I love you Rilo.”

“I have never felt so betrayed by my own body as I have when I lost pregnancies. There is this aching hollowness. It feels like my mind and my body are the only ones who remember. When you share, it reminds me that others remember too. Keep sharing,” another added.

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