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Chrissy Teigen Launches #MyWishForMoms Campaign to Raise Awareness for Maternal Mental Health

Chrissy Teigen Launches #MyWishForMoms Mental Health Campaign

Model, author, businesswoman, and all-around-amazing person Chrissy Teigen has long been an outspoken advocate for mental health. She was very candid about her own struggles with postpartum depression after the birth of her first child, Luna. Now, she’s taking her advocacy to the next level with the #MyWishForMoms campaign.

In partnership with the Allegheny Health Network (AHN), the #MyWishForMoms campaign “aims to create open dialogue among women about postpartum depression and anxiety.” According to AHN, more than 500,000 new moms developed postpartum depression in 2018. Only 15 percent of those moms sought treatment.

“I wanted to be part of this cause,” Teigen says in the video above, “because it’s so important to normalize the stigma of postpartum depression for women.”

Postpartum depression is defined as a more severe, long-lasting form of “the baby blues” that mostly occurs shortly after a woman gives birth. (It can also begin while a woman is still pregnant or even a year after the baby has been born.) It is often brought on by a combination of hormonal and emotional issues. Symptoms include depressed mood, severe mood swings, uncontrollable crying, difficulty bonding with and caring for your baby, extreme irritability, hopelessness, and many more. Like most depression, if left untreated, it can get worse over time.

As part of this campaign, Teigen and AHN are releasing videos of moms sharing their stories about postpartum depression and anxiety with Teigen. The idea is that if more women openly talk about the mental health issues they face, the more we can encourage those women to seek 1) feel less alone and 2) seek the help they need.

“My wish for moms is that they know they aren’t alone, and they are supported by the more than 500,000 women who share their experience each year,” Teigen said, according to a press release by AHN. “Imagine if we can get as many people talking about postpartum depression and anxiety as those experiencing it, and let them know help is available.”

May is Maternal Health Month, which makes it the perfect time for such an initiative. (May is also, more broadly, Mental Health Month.)

Share your story using the hashtag #MyWishForMoms, and always remember that there is never any shame in asking for help when you need it.

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