Mamas Uncut

Chrissy Teigen Apparently Doesn’t Like Any Girl Scouts Cookies, Her Review of Them Leaves Everyone Confused

Chrissy Teigen/Instagram

Note to Girl Scouts: You might want to skip stopping at Chrissy Teigen’s house. The Lip Sync Battle host may be the only person on the planet who doesn’t love Thin Mints (or Samoas, or Trefoils, or Tagalongs, or S’mores for that matter).

Last week, Teigen ranked the five flavors of Girl Scout Cookies and posted the unofficial list on her Instagram story. She ranked the flavors based on a sliding happy-to-sad smiley face scale, starting with Thin Mints, People reported.

Chrissy Teigen Apparently Doesn't Like Any Girl Scouts Cookies, Her Review of Them Leaves Everyone Confused | Note to Girl Scouts: You might want to skip stopping at Chrissy Teigen’s house.
Chrissy Teigen/Instagram

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She first tried the chocolate mint cookie two ways – in the refrigerator and at room temperature. She put a green smiley face next to refrigerated Thin Mints (on that, at least, everyone can agree), but ranked room temperature Thin Mints very low, giving it a ranking between a yellow neutral face and a red unhappy face.

Chrissy Teigen Rates Popular Girl Scout Cookies and They Didn’t Fare Well

Trefoils were next on the list. The classic shortbread cookie got another neutral to poor ranking. Samoas were next and the delicious coconut-chocolate-shortbread cookies ranked the best out of all the flavors, though still fell somewhere between a happy green smiley face and neutral yellow face.

The last two flavors, though, both received particularly bad reviews from the cookbook author. “This, I have no question belongs here,” she said as she placed the S’mores cookie under the red sad face. Tagalongs, the peanut butter-chocolate cookie combo, also didn’t fare well.  

“Tagalongs — crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating. It’s hard to go wrong with peanut butter, and yet they found a way,” said Teigen during her review. “It’s not as bad as the S’mores, though.”

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Later, Teigen rearranged her rankings placing all five cookies under the sad red face to the disappointment of many fans. “Not even…samosa? This is harsh,” Bella Hadid wrote.

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