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Chrissy Teigen Wants Us to Boot ‘Breast Is Best’ and Instead Normalize Formula Feeding

Chrissy Teigen Wants Us to Boot 'Breast Is Best' and Instead Normalize Formula Feeding

Queen of the internet and shame slayer, Chrissy Teigen took to Twitter to wage a “crusade” to normalize formula feeding. Being a parent is extremely difficult made even more tiresome by feelings of inadequacy that stem from narrow definitions of what “good” parenting looks like.

The author, model, and television personality wants our society to erase the stigma around formula feeding as many, many moms find it extremely difficult if not impossible. May the baby formula freely run!

In a series of tweets over the weekend, Chrissy Teigen detailed how an emphasis on breastfeeding causes shame.

“I’m gonna say something and you all are definitely gonna make it a thing but here goes: normalize formula,” Teigen wrote to kick off the discussion.

The star acknowledged that she did breastfeed her children Luna, 4 and Miles, 2 writing that “breastfeeding is such a huge, wonderful thing.” However, she cautioned against shaming moms who switch to or us formula.

Our society often encourages a “breast is best” mentality and that one size fits all prescription is clearly not going to work for everyone. At the end of the day, a well-fed baby is the best-fed baby. There’s no question about it.

Teigen like so many other mothers revealed that she struggled with a low milk supply and wrote that she “felt way more shame having to use formula.”

She said her lack of milk was caused by “depression” and other factors which is true for so many new moms. Mariss Muller wrote about her experience with the same issue at Buzzfeed:

“For those who’ve experienced a low milk supply, the stress from that can create a negative feedback cycle. Stress about your low milk supply, or anything else, can prevent you from getting a letdown (where your body releases milk), and when you have fewer letdowns, your body doesn’t register a need to make as much milk, since breastfeeding is regulated by supply and demand.”

Tiegen then wrote that she pumped her “a** off” until it drove her “mad.”

Pumping takes a considerable amount of time that could be better spent with the baby you’re doing it for or simply to take a break. It can leave new moms feeling isolated both physically and mentally.

“People have surrogates, people have trouble breastfeeding, and all you hear as a new, anxious mom is how breast is best,” the Cravings writer tweeted.

This is an excellent point because there is more than one way to make a baby and be mother these days. You’d think that more modern modes of thinking around feeding a baby would have taken hold by now.

“The stress of it, combined with the guilt that you cannot do nature’s most natural thing for your own baby is too much,” Teigen concluded. “I dunno why this is my crusade now. I just remember the sadness I felt and want you to know you are doing it right if your baby is fed, mama.”

She also tweeted that she essentially wants to normalize a bunch of things that carry a stigma. “‘Normalize breastfeeding’ is great. ‘Normalize formula’ is great, too!” she tweeted adding a final mantra we should all live by, “Your baby is gonna be BEAUTIFUL, PERFECT, AND OKAY.”

RELATED: The Power of Chrissy Teigen, Joy-Anna Duggar, and Others Sharing Photos of Their Deceased Children Is Something the World Should Feel and Know

Mom-shamers will be no match for a mama heeding Teigen’s thoughtful words. As always, we’re forever grateful to this celebrity mom who consistently speaks to issues that so many others are facing. Even if the topic is uncomfortable, she’s not afraid to get real about it and honestly share her lived experience.

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