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Chrissy Teigen Reveals She’s Still ‘Coming to Terms’ with Inability to Carry a Child Again, It’s Making Her More of an Advocate

Chrissy Teigen has long been an ally for those struggling with infertility, sharing her own personal experience and difficult journey to parenthood to let others know that they are not alone. After sharing that she will “never” be pregnant again in December, the star now feels more passionate than ever before about encouraging people to start a family.

The Cravings author, who appears on this month’s cover of People, spoke to the outlet about infertility and the importance of never feeling like a “failure.”

Chrissy Teigen Is Still ‘Coming to Terms’ With Her New Reality of ‘Never’ Getting Pregnant Again.

“Coming to terms with not being able to carry again is still really difficult for me because I feel so healthy,” she explained to People. “I’m like, why? But then I think about it as my uterus is just not cooperating with me — and it’s not a failure.”

The model and her husband John Legend conceived both of their two children, Luna, 4, and Miles, 2, via IVF. “I’m so lucky for that,” she shared. “I just think of it in terms of how blessed I am already, and also there are so many ways to have a child nowadays … whether it’s surrogacy or adoption.”

The mother of two shared with the outlet that she can’t imagine a “life without more” children. And, those feelings are motivating her to help others in similar situations to press on.

“For me what’s really important is being able to make sure that everybody has access to those ways and making sure that people are able to make their dreams come true,” she explained. “It would just be a beautiful thing.”

“It’s so incredibly expensive to freeze your eggs and to harvest them. IVF isn’t an option for a lot of people and it needs to be. It shouldn’t be such an expensive endeavor for a woman trying to conceive a child.”

After conceiving naturally, Teigen lost her son, Jack at 20 weeks pregnant last fall. She told People how she plans to meaningfully memorialize Jack at her family’s new home.

RELATED: Chrissy Teigen On Pregnancy Loss And How It ‘Saved’ Her: ‘I Don’t Think That I Would’ve Discovered Therapy’

The Beverly Hills home is still under construction but plans are in place for a tree to be planted inside of it. The memorial will act as a memory-building symbol for Miles and Luna to create memories with Jack’s spirit.

“It’s important for us in Thai tradition that we always embrace the ones we’ve lost, and they’re never, ever gone,” she explained. “This tree being planted inside the home, the whole reason why I wanted it was so Jack’s ashes could be in that soil and he could be with us all the time and grow through the beautiful leaves in this tree.”

Chrissy Teigen Reveals She's Still 'Coming to Terms' with Inability to Carry a Child Again
Chrissy Teigen / Shutterstock

The star recounted her own experience growing up and feeling a connection with her relatives to how Luna and Miles are creating their own special memories with Jack.

“The way Miles and Luna talk about him is so beautiful and reminds me of when I was little talking to my grandpa who was just sitting bedside next to my mom in a little urn,” she said. “It’s all beautiful, and I love that tradition carries down.”

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Chrissy Teigen / Shutterstock

What a powerful and beautiful tribute this family will find in Jack’s tree. We are so thrilled to discover that Teigen will continue to fight for those who experience infertility and the loss of a child. By continuing to share her journey, we will all learn more about how the experience is shaping her and what advice and insights she can offer others. Thank you, Chrissy.

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