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Chrissy Teigen Celebrates Her Breast Implant Removal With the Most Hilarious Cake Her Friends Gave Her

Chrissy Teigen Celebrates Her Breast Implant Removal With the Most Hilarious Cake Her Friends Gave Her

Chrissy Teigen/Instagram

Chrissy Teigen is celebrating her most recent surgery in hilarious fashion. Last week, she revealed that she underwent a procedure to have her 10-year-old breast implants removed.

In a past interview, the model and cookbook author shared that due to having kids and producing milk after birthing those kids the shape of the implants she got when she was in her 20s morphed. “It was more for a swimsuit thing. I thought, ‘If I’m going to be posing, laid on my back, I want them to be perky! But then you have babies and they fill up with milk and deflate and now I’m screwed.”

RELATED: Chrissy Teigen Has Officially Removed Her Breast Implants and It’s Her Daughter’s Letter That’s Helping Her Feel Better

“I think you’re supposed to replace [implants] every 10 years. But when you have kids, you think about [the risks] of surgery and I think, ‘This is not the way I want to die, in boob surgery,'” the model added.

Thankfully, Teigen’s surgery was “no biggie,” and now she’s on the mend. After having her implants removed and her natural breasts lifted, Teigen is recovering in typical Chrissy Teigen fashion, with food, handmade cards from her kids, and a hilarious boob cake.

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, shortly after her surgery, Teigen admitted that while she was in quite a bit of pain, a card she received from her daughter Luna help the pain go away for at least “half a minute.” The card read, “Have fun pulling your boobies out, love Luna.” And then on the back, she wrote, “Bye boobies.”

And she also shared a sweet video her son Miles made her while she was still in the hospital. “Hi, Mommy. I miss you, Mommy,” Miles said so sweetly that it could melt the coldest of hearts.

Now Teigen is celebrating by digging into a boob shaped cake.

Chrissy Teigen/Instagram

RELATED: Chrissy Teigen Gets COVID-19 Test After Deciding to Get Her Breast Implants Removed Weeks After Celebrating Their 10th Birthday

The cake was sent by her friends Luke Dillion and Meghan Mackenzie. And as one can see, the cake was decorated with a pair of bra covered breasts, along with a headstone that read, “RIP 2006-2020.”

How sweet is that? (Get it?)

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