Mamas Uncut

Chris Rock Stood Center Stage in NYC and Started Making Jokes About Will Smith: ‘I’m Not the Victim’


For several months, comedian Chris Rock had refrained from really opening up about the moment he was slapped in the face by his friend, Will Smith while standing on the Oscars stage.

Now, while co-headlining the Only Headliners Allowed comedy tour with Kevin Hart, it seems like Rock got paid enough to at least start making jokes about the situation. As Mamas Uncut previously reported, while neither Rock nor Smith have really talked about the situation, Smith has since publicly apologized to Rock for his actions.

Chris Rock Stood Center Stage in NYC and Started Making Jokes About Will Smith: ‘I’m Not the Victim’

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It remains unclear if Smith and Rock have talked one-on-one privately, but now it seems that Rock is ready to share a little bit more with the public. During his set, as Entertainment Tonight reports, Rock made a joke about Smith while talking about cancel culture.

RELATED: Chris Rock Updates Crowd on His Hearing and Shares When He Plans to Openly Talk About Being Slapped By Will Smith

“Chris made a joke about Will during a bit about ‘cancel culture,’ joking that ‘anyone who says words hurt has never been punched in the face,'” the source told ET. “Chris Rock and Kevin Hart’s show at Madison Square Garden was the best night in comedy.”

“Anyone who says words hurt has never been punched in the face,” Rock joked. “I’m not a victim. Yeah, that sh*t hurt, motherf***er. But I shook that sh*t off and went to work the next day. I don’t go to the hospital for a paper cut.”

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Rock admitted he was hit so hard that he temporarily lost hearing in his ear. Thankfully, Rock told the London audience that he “got MOST of my hearing back.”

It was further reported that Kevin Hart threw in his own Will Smith jokes as well, by gifting a goat named Will Smith to Rock. “You know, you guys don’t know, Chris is a mentor, friend, inspiration,” Hart said of the gift. “He’s a large part of the reason that I am where I am today in my career just from his advice, his insight, et cetera and he’s my G.O.A.T.”

At that moment, Dave Chappelle, who made a surprise appearance asked Rock, “What are you gonna name this goat, Chris?” “The name is Will Smith,” Hart responded, as the audience laughed.

And although Hart made the moment funny by naming the goat Will Smith, Hart admitted Rock “almost cried” over the gesture. “He almost broke down and cried on stage… it was a real moment.”

Rock has also hinted at the possibility that he has a Netflix special where he will surely talk even more about the 2022 Oscars. Until then, Rock doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.

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