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Did You Know Chris Pratt Hates Being Called Chris…It’s True

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When it comes to celebrities just letting the world pronounce their names however they like, it’s a fairly common thing. From Ariana Grande to Chrissy Teigen, these celebrities have had their names mispronounced most of their career. And now Chris Pratt?

But what about the celebrities that are called something they hate being called. Sure, there are a lot of actors and actresses who use stage names. 

Did You Know Chris Pratt Hates Being Called Chris…It’s True

RELATED: Chris Pratt Has Become the Face of Religion in Hollywood But Turns Out He’s Not Religious at All

For example, Emma Stone’s birth name is Emily Jean Stone. Nicki Minaj’s real name is Onika Tanya Maraj. Reese Witherspoon’s full name is Laura Jean Reese Witherspoon.

Nina Dobreve’s birth name is Nikolina Kamenova Dobreva. And Jamie Foxx’s name is actually Eric Marlon Bishop!

Another name to add to this rather long list is Chris Pratt. Now, Chris’s legal name is actually Chris, or Christopher if you want to get technical. And his legal last name is also Pratt. His middle name is Michael, but that’s kind of irrelevant to this article.

Chris Pratt Has Become the Face of Religion in Hollywood But Turns Out He's Not Religious at All

Nonetheless, while all of Chris Pratt’s legal names are used, he actually is only ever called Chris when he’s working. In a new interview, he admitted that his friends and family have used his nicknames so often that he hates being called Chris now.

RELATED: Chris Pratt Allegedly Bawled Over The Backlash to His ‘Healthy Daughter’ Comment

While talking with SiriusXM’s Pop Culture Spotlight With Jessica Shaw, the actor actually confused the host with this correction. That is when Shaw asked him what he’s usually called.

“No one calls me Chris. I went golfing with my friend, Chad, my pastor the other day and he was like, ‘No one calls you Chris? I’m gonna call you Chris. Alright, Chris. You’re up.’ And I was like, ‘No, it feels weird. It’s not my name. Don’t call me Chris.’”


He went on to clarify that most people call him “Pratt or “CP.” So if you’re ever lucky enough to run into the famous actor, now you know.

Chris Pratt has been opening up a lot in this recent press tour. From addressing the backlash that made him burst into tears for his son to opening up about not being religious but somehow becoming the face of religion in Hollywood, Pratt has been setting the record straight the last couple of days.

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