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Chris Evans and Other Big Screen Superheros Send Thank You Videos and More to 6-Year-Old Boy Who Saved Sister from Dog Attack

Chris Evans and Other Big Screen Superheros Send Thank You Videos and More to 6-Year-Old Boy Who Saved Sister from Dog Attack


The superheroes we see in the movies, like Chris Evans, are taking time to commend a real-life superhero on social media. As Fatherly reported, the story of 6-year-old Bridger Walker saving his 4-year-old sister’s life by throwing himself in front of a vicious dog spread far and wide.

Eventually, it found its way into the inboxes of actor Chris Evans who plays Captain America, Tom Holland who plays Spiderman, and Chris Pratt who plays Starlord in Guardians of the Galaxy, just to name a few.

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According to Fatherly, when the dog attacked, Walker was able to drag his little sister by the arm out of harm’s way. However, Walker couldn’t fully protect himself and as a result, had to endure hours of plastic surgery and 90 stitches to fix the injuries the dog had left.

Little Hero Saves Sister From Dog Attack Now Superheroes, Like Chris Evans, Are Thanking Him

Walker told his dad that “if someone had to die, I thought it should be me.” And his little sister didn’t suffer a single injury thanks to his selflessness.

In a video, Evans told Walker how amazing his actions were. “Now I’m sure you heard a lot of this over the last couple days, but let me be the next one to tell you. Pal, you’re a hero. What you did was so brave, so selfless, your sister is so lucky to have you as a big brother. Your parents must be so proud of you.”

It was then that Evans promised Walker that he would send him an authentic Captain America shield “because pal, you deserve it.”

“Keep being the man you are because we need people like you. Hang in there. I know recovery might be tough, but based on what I’ve seen I don’t think there’s much that can slow you down.”

Chris Pratt’s Message to Bridger:

“I felt compelled to make this video. Hopefully, it will put a smile on his face,” Pratt wrote on Instagram. “His Auntie Nicole reached out to me and I figured the very least I could do was acknowledge him for a moment.”

Tom Holland

Robert Downey Jr.

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And this was just a few of the messages this hero has received from other superheroes. Now that’s how a big brother is supposed to act.

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