Mamas Uncut

Chris Cuomo Accused of Sexual Harassment By His Former ABC Executive Producer

Shelley Ross, a former executive producer for ABC, has come forward to accuse CNN anchor Chris Cuomo of sexually harassing her. Her reason for coming forward is so that Cuomo can “journalistically repent” for his behavior.

Ross and Cuomo worked together at ABC. She claims that it was during that time in 2005 that Chris “squeezed” her butt cheek without her permission. 

RELATED: Chris Cuomo Speaks On Andrew Cuomo’s Resignation: ‘I’m Not An Advisor, I’m A Brother’

Chris Cuomo Accused of Sexual Assault By His Former ABC Executive Producer
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Chris Cuomo has recently been in the news for the way in which he handled his brother, Andrew Cuomo’s sexual harassment allegations.

According to Fox News, Ross also has an email where Cuomo seemingly admitted to the incident and also apologized for his behavior. In a statement, Ross said, “At the time, I was the executive producer of an ABC entertainment special, but I was Mr. Cuomo’s executive producer at ‘Primetime Live’ just before that.”

“I was at the party with my husband, who sat behind me on an ottoman sipping his Diet Coke as I spoke with work friends. When Mr. Cuomo entered the Upper West Side bar, he walked toward me and greeted me with a strong bear hug while lowering one hand to firmly grab and squeeze the cheek of my buttock.”

Ross continued to say that after squeezing her Cuomo said that he “can do this now that you’re no longer my boss.” The former producer said Cuomo made that comment with a “kind of cocky arrogance.”

 Ron Adar /

Ross said that she immediately scolded Chris Cuomo, telling him that he could not do that to her as she pushed him off. Ross said her husband was right behind her during the exchange and they left the party immediately.

Shelley Ross Shares the Email That Was Sent to Her By Chris Cuomo.

In the email Cuomo reportedly sent to Ross, he apologizing while admitting he was ashamed of how he acted. “…Though my hearty greeting was a function of being glad to see you … Christian Slater got arrested for a (kind of) similar act, (though borne of an alleged negative intent, unlike my own)…and as a husband, I can empathize with not liking to see my wife patted as such.”

Cuomo then asked Ross to pass along an apology to her “very good and noble husband,” before adding, “I apologize to you as well, for even putting you in su]ch a position.” 

Ross admitted that she was never quite sure if his apology was sincere or if it was “an attempt to provide himself with legal and moral coverage to evade accountability.” Cuomo has not yet made a statement regarding Ross’s allegations.

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