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I’m Scared My Child’s Father May Try to Take Custody from Me: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about custody. She says the father of her child, who is now five, has never been involved in the child’s life because she did not want him to be. She is now at a point where she is slowly letting her child’s father into their lives, but she is worried that he may try to take custody. Could he do that? Any. advice for her?

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A member of the community asks:

“Could my child’s father take custody from me?

The father of my child has not been in my child’s life since he was born 5 years ago, due to me not letting him. He’s now grown up a lot and I’m letting him meet him. Could he take custody from me? Also, he’s not on the birth certificate and we live in Florida.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Worried the Father of Her Child May Try to Take Custody

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

I'm Scared My Child's Father May Try to Take Custody from Me: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“The fact that you withheld visitation, aka parental alienation, he has a very good chance of getting some sort of custody and working his way up to joint or even full. And I hope he does.”

“Please stop bashing her. It’s really not nice. He obviously didn’t take her to court for visitation in 5 years. So maybe she was only protecting her baby. I thought this was a place to come for nonjudgmental support? I see so much bashing. Women should be more supportive of each other.”

“I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR FIRST SENTENCE….. So you think it’s okay and fair to your child for them growing up not being able to spend time with their father!? You not allowing him to be a part of the child’s life because of your own reserved feelings isn’t right at all. I hope they take your child away from you!!!! You are a TOXIC mother.”

“Y’all are so quick to judge her and defend the “dad” without the details yet you are missing the thing that matters most… Why hasn’t this “father” fought for his son in the last 5 years? Why didn’t he petition for his rights? So, quick to attack her on her keeping her child away but not questioning maybe why that is.. and wondering why the dad didn’t fight?”

“Parental alienation. Yes, he can fight for custody. Where I live he might even get it. We did. Hadn’t seen the child from 3 years old until she was 14! Guess where she lives now? Has seen her Mom 3 times in the past year because she asked to go, not because the courts told us she had to.”

“He can’t “take custody” as you say….but He can go to court and petition for establishment of paternal rights and custody. Which in this case would include joint custody. As well he should.”

“If you are unfit he could but you’ve been the only parent for 5 years so it’s doubtful. If he pushed anything he would get visitation and could work towards 50/50 custody. Idk why you kept him from him so I can’t judge you on that. I understand people change once kids are involved. I hope it was a legit reason though.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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