Mamas Uncut

This Mom Wants to Know if She Can Be Reimbursed After Her Child’s EpiPen Was Used To Save Another Student’s Life at School

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In a recent post to Reddit, a mother shared how school officials used her child’s EpiPen to save another student who was having an allergic reaction while at school.

And while, obviously, everyone was relieved when the child was saved — the mother of the child whose EpiPen was used is in a strange predicament, as she wants to be reimbursed. And for good reason: it cost her a total of $650.

The incident happened on February 21, when a child had a severe allergic reaction at school. According to the mother, the child who did have the reaction had eaten a cookie from another kid’s lunch and did not have an EpiPen.

This Mom Wants to Know if She Can Be Reimbursed After Her Child's EpiPen Was Used To Save Another Student's Life at School

“The kid’s parent never brought in a new EpiPen after an old one expired and the school didn’t have any of their own so they used my daughter’s pens,” she wrote in the post. “Both of them.”

And while the mother is not angry that officials saved the child’s life, the EpiPens are very expensive.

She then decided to go into the school office and request if they could put her in contact with the other student’s parents “so I can get reimbursed for the new pens.”

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“They told me they couldn’t give me that information and refused to even contact the parent for me,” she wrote.

“So I produce the receipt and said, ‘OK you can reimburse me for it as my insurance would only pay once a year for them, I do it every January and I had to get these out of pocket,'” she recalled.

But the secretary did not know how to handle the situation.

She refused to take the mom’s receipt and said that the school wasn’t liable. 

“I make okay money but these [expletive] things are not cheap, $650, and that’s still a lot of money for us,” she went on to share. “I’m glad that it was used to save a kids life but I really do feel as if I should be reimbursed. But I was made to feel like a worthless [expletive].”

And when she attempted to bring the request to the principal, she did admit she was a bit cross.

“Currently they’ve never had this happen before and they don’t know how to proceed,” she went on. “It cost me $650 to replace the set.”

“So AITA for wanting someone to repay me for a life-saving drug that was used on another child?” she asked.

But ultimately, the superintendent of the school phoned the mom and apologized.

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The mom went on to explain in an updated post how the superintendent informed her that the school did have an EpiPen on campus, “but the person in question didn’t know the location of the emergency box, another issue, and used my child’s pens.”

In addition to reimbursing the mom for the cost of the pens, they would also be doing a full staff training on proper procedure.

“She also [apologized] for the rudeness of the staff at the school this morning and that they didn’t follow protocol last week on Friday about informing me that my daughter didn’t have an EpiPen any longer,” she revealed.

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