Mamas Uncut

Hilarious Change My Mind Memes

The change my mind meme was born in 2021 after a conservative podcast host, Steven Crowder, set up a table at a Christian university inviting others to debate him about the existence of “male privilege.” The image quickly took on a life of its own when people began editing the sign to silly things for others to “change my mind” to. A meme was born and the rest is history!

Today, you will find thousands of change my mind memes online and some of them are truly hilarious. We wanted to round up some of the best for you to enjoy. These change my mind memes are so funny because the setup feels like an earnest one with the punchline coming in to crumble it all down. Take a look at some of our favorites and try not to smile!

Prepare to Get a Kick Out of These Change My Mind Memes.

For the Star Trek Fans

Hilarious Change My Mind Memes

We had to look this one up but for fans of Star Trek, this should be pretty clear. The Cardassians are a fictional extraterrestrial species from the show that were featured throughout the series. Are they better than the Kardashians? You decide.

No Lies


“Tacos are the best,” is a true statement and there is no room for debate. A perfect food. You will never change our minds.

Actually Free


What a novel idea! Who else wishes this was the case? We’ve all got that first charge and regretted it.

On Cheese


Okay. Can you argue with this? Like bread, cheese does undergo a fermentation process. We’ll let you be the final judge.

Where Do You Stand?


This is a very specific gripe about horror movies. Do you prefer your movies with or without CGI? It’s always better when the effects are practical, right?

Wordle Woes


Think about it. Where do you stand on this very hot Wordle opinion?

Dining Superiority


You know what, bowls are better than plates. Everything just stays better in a bowl. We’ll even take a shallow bowl over a plate.

A Proposition


Should the new term be “prostidudes?” We think it totally works.

It Finally Happened


We find a funny gag in this change my mind meme that actually changed a mind. People can change!

Jurassic Park Essentialism


For real Jurrasic Park fans, there’s only one. Why try and improve on perfection?

A Better World


This change my mind meme finds a wish for a more balanced world with better mental health for all. Do you agree with this sentiment?

A Menace


Someone clearly has a strong opinion about Machine Gun Kelly. You other love him or hate him, we suppose.

Good Boy


Your dog’s got something it wants to debate with you. Do you allow your fur baby on the couch or is that a no-no? We think the dog’s right.

RELATED: Hilarious Happy Friday Memes

Union Strong


We find a really interesting idea in this pro-union change my mind meme. Should high schools do more to promote technical schools and trade schools and apprenticeships? Sounds like a good idea to us.

A Delusion


“John Cena is sitting next to me,” is a provable one but do you really want to argue with anyone who thinks a celebrity is next to them when they’re not? We’re not touching it!

A Good Idea?


Should the Super Bowl be on Saturday as opposed to Sunday? It would sure make that Monday after a whole lot easier for a whole lot of folks.

True or False?


Someone’s got a bone to pick with capitalism in this change my mind meme. We’ll let you be the judge on this one.

An Opinion from Your Cat


Your cats have opinions too. They certainly do feel like they hold dominion over all counter spaces.

Hot for Pauly


When we started researching change my mind memes, we did not expect to find one about Pauly Shore, but the internet will take you to some strange places.



Do all mustaches begin as a joke? We think some folks genuinely want to give them a try.

A Hot One


In this change my mind meme, we find a hot take about the right to do the “robot dance” to any type of music. Even slow jams? Go off!

Expectations > Reality


Is this true for you? Often, we hype things that end up just being mediocre. We have to have something to look forward to, after all.

Horse Benefits


Can you argue with this assessment? A horse is all you need for a stable life.

We Can Still Dream


Bitter much? Romantic movies are wonderful but they are rather far-fetched at times. That’s part of the fun, right?

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Is This Up for Debate?


This is a perfect change my mind meme. Who does not love pizza? We’re not sure you can trust those who don’t like it.

There you go! We hope you found the right change my mind meme that fits your mood. Many of these memes are perfect for a variety of situations when you find yourself firmly with your mind made up.

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