Mamas Uncut

Cate Blanchett Says She Pushes Her Kids To Check Their Sources When Sharing On Social Media

Cate Blanchett has raised her kids to do their research when getting information, especially from social media.

“[We talk about it] a lot,” Blanchett says of setting boundaries around social media with her sons, Dashiell, 19, Roman, 17, and Ignatius, 13, as well as her daughter, Edith, 5. “Because so much of our so-called information comes through social media.”

Cate Blanchett Says She Pushes Her Kids To Check Their Sources When Sharing On Social Media
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“I’m old enough to have been taught at school what a primary, secondary and tertiary source is. I say to the children when they mention something, ‘Where did you read it? Who has [authenticated] that? You have to learn how to read an image and article. And if you’re going to share something, you’d better make sure you have checked the sources,’ ” she continues.

“Of course, they roll their eyes. But when you hear them talk to their friends, I think they’re responsible.”

“My son is studying physics and philosophy, so he is really interesting to talk to about [technology],” Blanchett adds. “I don’t want to become a separated generation, because I also feel responsible for the landscape he is about to emerge into as an adult.”

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Another famous actress and mother feels similarly — Drew Barrymore.

“I want them to be kids,” Drew said of her children, 9-year-old Olive and 7-year-old Frankie, in a recent appearance on Dax Shepard and Monica Padman‘s Armchair Expert podcast this fall.

Drew, who is currently hosting the second season of The Drew Barrymore Show, revealed that her intention for Olive and Frankie to have more traditional childhood experiences is why they don’t pop on her social media or talk show.

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She’s very protective of them: “I don’t put my kids on social media. I’m like a f****** Doberman about them,” Drew said.

Drew mentioned the infamous Steven Spielberg, who produced and directed E.T., for being a father figure to her while working on the film as well as inspiring some of the parenting techniques she uses.

“They watch TikTok. They love social media,” she continued. “They get in a bad mood when they realize they won’t be put on camera, but they know good g******* well why, because I’m like, ‘I want you to be kids!’”

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