Mamas Uncut

George Anthony Takes Lie Detector Test 1-Year After Casey Anthony Said She Still Believes Her Father Was Involved in Her Daughter’s Disappearance and Death

via Youtube (Peacock)

Casey Anthony’s father, George Anthony is taking a lie detector test.

More than 10 years after Casey Anthony was acquitted of the murder charges against her following the 2008 murder of her young daughter Caylee, George Anthony is finally taking the lie detector test everyone has been waiting for.

During Casey’s trial, part of her defense was blaming her father for Caylee’s death. Casey, in the past, has claimed that George abused her and his granddaughter Caylee and went as far as to blame him for her death.

Although George has never been charged in Caylee’s murder, he is now attempting to clear his name. During a special on A&E, George’s lie detector test was captured on camera. 

Take a look:

As the sneak peek reveals, George is asked about his marriage, the abuse accusations made by Casey, and if he was involved at all with Caylee’s murder.

It shows George appearing emotional at times and more. The special is set to premiere on January 4. Will you be watching?

In 2008, Casey Anthony was charged with the murder of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony. While she was later acquitted of the murder charge, she ended up serving a prison sentence for providing false information to authorities during the six-month investigation – prior to the remains being found. 

Now nearly 14 years later, Casey Anthony is ready to speak out and give her side of the story – a story that has yet to be told. In a three-part exclusive interview premiering on Peacock starting November 29th, Anthony will be dropping several bombshells and never-before-heard testimony from the 36-year-old. 

Two of those bombshells have to do with her father, George Anthony – who attempted suicide in 2009 and was involved in a near-fatal car accident in 2018. According to Casey, her father not only abused her growing up, but she believed he was abusing her daughter, Caylee, before covering it up by killing her. 

RELATED: Upcoming Casey Anthony Documentary Vows to ‘Set the Record Straight’ Regarding 2-Year-Old Daughter’s Death

Casey’s story begins on June 16, 2008 – the last anyone saw of Caylee Anthony. Not feeling very well, Casey decided to lay down that night and had Caylee laying beside her. Not long after, her father barged into her room and started to shake her awake – asking where Caylee was. She was nowhere to be found. 

“That didn’t make sense. She would never even leave my room without telling me. I immediately started looking around the house. I go outside and I’m looking to see where she could be,” said Casey in the exclusive interview. When George found Caylee, he brought her to Casey – soaking wet, heavy, and cold.

Casey immediately collapsed with her daughter in her arms – all while George was telling Casey that it was her fault and she was the reason her daughter died. “He takes her from me and immediately softens his tone and says ‘It’s going to be ok.’ I wanted to believe him. He took her from me and he went away.”

Over the next 31 days, Casey was holding onto hope that her daughter was still alive. George didn’t tell her where Caylee was or whether or not she was alive – all he would say is that everything was going to be okay. Scared and confused, she continued to follow his directions and did everything he told her to do. 

Casey Anthony Believes Her Father Was Covering Up His Abuse of Caylee

Casey Anthony Believes Her Father Was Involved in Her Daughter’s Disappearance and Death
via Youtube (Peacock)

In addition to blaming her father for the death of her daughter, Casey Anthony is accusing George Anthony of abusing her as a child. “He’d put a pillow over my face and smother me to knock me out,” she said, adding ‘there were times where I was incapacitated as a child where my body was limp and lifeless.’

It’s not the first time she accused her father of abuse – it was mentioned during the 2011 trial – but it’s the first time she’s going into detail about the allegation. At the time, there wasn’t – and still isn’t – any proof to support that claim and the father has denied it. She also accused her brother of abuse growing up.

With that said, Casey opened up about her biggest fear – that her father was also abusing Caylee. In fact, she believes that was his motive for killing her daughter, in hopes of covering up and hiding the abuse. “I wish every day I had said something to someone about something. Maybe then things would be different.”

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Casey Anthony’s Mom Cindy Has Never Been The Same Since Caylee’s Murder

According to the New York Post, George Anthony was recently spotted working in his garage at his home in Florida. We can expect to see more photos and sightings in the near future now that he’s being thrust back into the limelight with Casey’s new and updated accusations. The interview series airs on November 29th.

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