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Carly Simon Confirms Heartbreaking News With Emotional Statement

Carly Simon Confirms Heartbreaking News With Emotional Statement 1

Our hearts break for legendary singer Carly Simon as news reveals tragedy has struck her family. According to new reports, Simon’s sisters, composer Lucy Simon and opera singer Joanna Simon, passed away within one day of each other.

Carly Simon Confirms Heartbreaking News With Emotional Statement

As Deadline reported on October 21, Joanna first passed away on Wednesday following a battle with thyroid cancer. She was 85 years old.

Then, on Thursday, October 20, Lucy passed away after a battle with metastatic breast cancer. She was 82 years old. 

Carly confirmed her sisters’ passings in a heartbreaking statement she shared with CNN. “I am filled with sorrow to speak about the passing of Joanna and Lucy Simon. Their loss will be long and haunting,” the statement began.

“As sad as this day is, it’s impossible to mourn them without celebrating their incredible lives that they lived,” the singer continued. “We were three sisters who not only took turns blazing trails and marking courses for one another, we were each others’ secret shares. The co-keepers of each other’s memories.”

Carly then addressed being the only Simon sibling alive today. “I have no words to explain the feeling of suddenly being the only remaining direct offspring of Richard and Andrea Simon,” she told CNN.

“They touched everyone they knew and those of us they’ve left behind will be lucky and honored to carry their memories forward,” the singer concluded.

The three Simon sisters also had a younger brother, Peter. He past away from lung cancer at the age of 71 in 2018.

While all three of the Simon sisters were musically talented, Lucy and Carly got their start together when they formed the folk duo, famously known as The Simon Sisters, in the 1960s.

While Carly went on a solo path after Lucy opted to attend nursing school in 1964, Lucy ultimately found success again in the 1970s when she became just the third female composer on Broadway. In 1991, Lucy was nominated for a Tony for her score for The Secret Garden.

Lucy married David Levin in 1967. They share two children together, Jamie and Julie.

Joanna also got her start in the music industry in the 1960s when she debuted Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro for the New York City Opera in 1962. She has notably performed for the New York Philharmonic, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and the Vienna Philharmonic as well.

Joanna ultimately became an arts correspondent for PBS’ The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. There she won an Emmy award for her efforts.

In 1976, Joanna married Gerald Walker until he passed away in 2004. It was reported Joanna was dating news anchor Walter Cronkite when he passed away in 2019.

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