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Country Music Star Carly Pearce Shares Scary Health Update

carly pearce


Carly Pearce is sharing a scary health update with her fans.

After admitting her shows may look a bit different, Pearce revealed that she was diagnosed with a heart condition.

“I have always been transparent and honest about every part of my life so I feel like this deserves the same honesty,” Pearce began her statement. “You guys know that I’ve been dealing with some health issues and through that, I have developed something called pericarditis, which is a heart issue.”

According to Mayo Clinic, pericarditis is often diagnosed by “a specific sound, called a pericardial rub. The noise occurs when the two layers of the sac surrounding the heart, called the pericardium, rub against each other.”

Symptoms of pericardia rub include chest pain, shoulder and neck pain, swelling of the legs and feet, shortness of breath, heart palpitation, and more.

“So if my shows look a little different, just know it’s because I have to keep my heart rate under control right now,” Pearce continued. 

“That doesn’t mean that I’m not gonna be completely fine, it just means that right now I’ve got to really take this seriously.”

Pearce added that she’s “a young healthy person that really watches what I eat and exercises and this happened to me,” as a warning to her fans. 

“So I just want to use my platform to tell you to take care of your body and listen to it and just know that if it’s trying to tell you something it’s gonna tell you.” 

People in the comments quickly offered Pearce their well wishes. “Good thing you can SING & WRITE the heck out of a song,” Adam Deloec wrote. “All you need is a mic anyway. Praying for you.”

“Love you Carly. You’ve got an army behind you cheering you on. Take care sister,” Terri Clark added.

Just two days later, Pearce gave everyone a sneak peak of her new album hummingbird. And fans are stoked about it.

“Are you freaking kidding me?!?!? EVERY SONG IS GONNA BE A HIT! AH.”

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