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Candace Cameron Bure Sparks Intense Debate In Her Instagram Comments Section After Revealing Her Vaccine Stance

Candace Cameron Bure Sparks Intense Debate In Her Instagram Comments Section After Revealing Her Vaccine Stance


Candace Cameron Bure has sparked another debate with her recent vaccine stance on Instagram. As is much of the world, actress Candace Cameron Bure decided to join the conversation surrounding vaccine mandates.

And as it comes as no surprise to anyone who knows Candace Cameron Bure, she is against the mandate of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to Bure, she is “not anti-v, I’m just pro-medical freedom.”

RELATED: Candace Cameron Bure Apologizes After She Posted a ‘Seductive’ Video on Social Media While Holding a Bible

“This. This is not about what I am against. This is what I am FOR. Read and understand the distinction. This mama is holding the line and standing up for freedom,” Candace caption her Instagram post. “This should not separate us. We can have different opinions and still respect and love one another. Be bigger than that!”

The actress’s post goes on to say, “I’m not anti-V, I’m just pro-informed consent. I’m not anti-V, I’m just pro-immune system. I’m not anti-V, I’m just pro-early intervention. I’m not anti-V, I’m just pro-sunlight, exercise, real food, & vitamins.”

Candace Cameron Bure Sparks Intense Debate In Her Instagram Comments

And while her post received support from some of her followers, including from her daughter Natasha and fellow actors Alexa and Carlos PenaVega, there was a slew of people who debated Candace Cameron Bure’s particular stance. Many of those who opposed her post were those who actually work in healthcare.

“I think highly of you as an actress and celebrity and trust your expertise in those areas,” one commenter wrote. “I think you should stick to that profession and let us bleeding healthcare stick to ours. Having an opinion for yourself is one thing, but using your platform to sway others for their health is another.”

“Oh, the freedom to be born protected by herd immunity from other diseases! Every single wrong argument about vaccines and immunity, right here,” another commenter wrote.

“Do you feel this way about the polio, measles, chicken pox, and tetanus vaccines or just the COVID vaccine,” another comment read.

Some also questioned that because she is pro-choice when it came to vaccines if she was also pro-choice when it comes to other aspects of life given her religious beliefs. “So you’re pro abortion then too? Because PRO CHOICE that is ALSO PRO MEDICAL FREEDOM. You cannot just pick and choose what medical freedom covers,” a commenter argued.

Candace Cameron Bure was also involved in a bit of scandal for the way in which is seductively danced with a bible in order to partake in a viral TikTok trend.

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