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Candace Cameron Bure Admits She Is Not A ‘Cool Mom’ After Her Kids Block Her On Instagram

Candace Cameron Bure Admits She Is Not A 'Cool Mom' After Her Kids Block Her On Instagram

Image via Shutterstock

Candace Cameron Bure admits she may not be the coolest mom but she sure isn’t “regular.”

This past weekend, Candace Bure, 45, singled out her kids after finding she wasn’t able to view some of their online activities in a video saying, “I don’t know why my kids block me on their Stories because I still see them on my other work Instagram.”

The mother of three, who shares daughter Natasha, 22, and sons Lev, 21, and Maksim, 19, with husband Valeri Bure, captioned the Instagram post: “I’m not a regular mom. I’m not a cool mom either ????.”

And while Candace Bure has no problem teasing her family, she doesn’t allow just anyone to — that is her job.

After receiving several “unkind comments,” Candace Bure (aka mamma bear) created a post that read: “Do you think it’s funny to criticize someone’s children? To make jokes about them? To critique our poses? The direction in which we are looking? Our physical appearance and facial expressions?”

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“I wished blessings upon everyone as I shared it in the spirit of a happy new year, yet so many of you came back with jokes about our appearance and criticism of what you thought would have been a better photo. Shame on you,” she continued, adding how “it doesn’t matter if you’re 10 or 90 years old, rude is rude.”

After the incident, Cameron Bure spoke on the the effect mean commenters have had on her daughter, Natasha.

“My daughter deals with it a lot and she’s come to me many days crying because of what people have commented on her social media,” she said. “But I do tell her, ‘Listen a lot of times, people are writing mean things ’cause they’re trying to poke the bear. They just want to get a rise out of you; they actually want attention.'”

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“‘And they know they can get attention by being mean, so in that case it is good to ignore them,'” Cameron Bure continued. “‘Also, if you want to be a part of social media, it’s part of what comes with it so you’re going to have to have thick skin as well if you want to continue posting, which is just a sad thing but it’s truth.'”

And when it comes to dealing with haters herself, Cameron Bure said she lets “a lot of it go.”

“I do let a lot of it go — the majority — but when there’s so many comments I think that’s when you have to stand up for yourself,” she said. “So of course we can ‘ignore the haters’ but when there are people that are making jokes thinking it’s in good fun, they’re not thinking they’re being hateful, so I wouldn’t call them haters.”

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