Mamas Uncut

Cameron Diaz On Quitting Acting And Managing Her Own Life: ‘It’s The Best Feeling’

Image via Shutterstsock

Cameron Diaz loves managing her own life, which she credits to her choice to quit acting.

In the past few years, Diaz has stepped away from acting, revealing in 2018 in a conversation with EW that she is “actually retired.”

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When speaking with Kevin Hart in an appearance on his talk show, Hart to Heart, this week, Cameron shared how her decision to retire was the fact that she spent an enormous amount of time and energy on acting. So much so that she was no longer managing her own life.

Diaz realized that “when you do something at a really high level for a long period of time,” it is hard to focus on anything else.

“When you’re the person who’s sort of delivering on this one thing — you’re the person on the screen, you’re the person who’s ‘the talent’ — everything around you — all parts of you that isn’t that — has to be handed off to other people,” Cameron explained.

She continued to say how when she was acting, “every aspect” of her life, including her finances to her home, was managed by other people.

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“Me as a human being — not me as Cameron Diaz, because Cameron Diaz is a machine — but for my personal, spiritual self, I was realizing that it’s kind of like that one part of me that was functioning at a high level wasn’t enough,” she said.

She went to admit that while she adores acting and “could go forever,” when it got to the point where other people were making big parts of her life as her acting career was just as big.

“I really do think it’s about the people you have in your life that can help you keep things moving,” Cameron said. “And I had some amazing people, and I had some people who were not serving my best interests always.”

“But you don’t have time to figure those things out if you are just going, going, going, going with blinders on.”

“I just really wanted to make my life manageable by me,” Cameron said. “My routine in a day is literally what I can manage to do by myself. It’s the best feeling. I feel whole.”

Cameron Diaz On Quitting Acting And Managing Her Own Life: 'It's The Best Feeling'

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Since quitting acting, Cameron met her husband — Good Charlotte’s Benji Madden — and they welcomed their daughter Raddix, who was born in December 2019.

In an interview earlier this year with Yahoo Finance, Cameron spoke on family life with Benji and their daughter, calling it “the most fulfilling thing” she’s ever done.

“[To] have a family and be married and have our little nucleus of a family — it’s just completely the best thing,” Cameron said at the time.

“I don’t have what it takes to give making a movie what it needs to be made,” she added. “All of my energy is here.”

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