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Busy Phillips Shares That She Struggles With Pronouns After Her 12-Year-Old Came Out As Gay

Busy Philipps Shares Her 12-Year-Old Child Is Gay

During an episode of her podcast Busy Phillips Is Doing Her Best, Busy Phillips shared that her 12-year-old daughter Birdie has come out as gay. The mama of two also admitted that she is struggling to get it right when it comes to pronouns.

“For those of you who are my friends listening at home, this is the first you’re hearing that Birdie is gay and out,” Busy Phillips said. “Birdie told us at 10 years old and we immediately…I mean obviously, I knew that Birdie knew.”

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Busy Phillips Says Her 12-Year-Old Daughter Birdie Has Come Out As Gay

“I said, ‘You know, Bird, I’ve been doing a bad job with the pronouns,'” she continued. “Because Birdie said that they would like their pronouns to be they/them, and I haven’t been doing it, and I said because I have this public persona and I want Birdie to be in control of their own narrative and not have to answer to anybody outside of our friends and family if they don’t want to.”

Busy then went on to say that her daughter gave her full permission to share about her sexual orientation.

“Bird was like, ‘I don’t give a —-. You can talk about that I’m gay and out. You can talk about my pronouns. That would be cool with me. That’s great,'” Philipps said. “So I said, ‘Ok, I can talk about it on the podcast.'”

“So, Birdie, my out kid, prefers they/them,” she added. “I —- up sometimes, but I’m trying my best at that, too.”

Clearly proud of her oldest child, Busy went on to give her these beautiful parenting words of advice.

“I said to [Birdie], ‘The other thing I want to tell you that I wish I had known is that you get to build your life however the —- you want to, and it doesn’t have to look like anything you’ve ever seen or anything that’s ever been modeled for you because maybe it doesn’t exist,'” she shared with Birdie. “‘You get to choose what will make you feel fulfilled and happy, you know? It doesn’t have to be any of these constructs that we’ve all been fed our whole lives. This is a different world that you get to build.”

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