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5 Reasons Why Busy Philipps Is and Forever Will Be My Spirit Animal

Busy Philipps Is My Spirit Animal

I grew up in the age of Dawson’s Creek, where I was first introduced to Busy Philipps‘ eclectic charm. Busy has appeared in more than 60 TV shows and movies, including Freaks and Geeks, Cougar Town, ER, Undeclared and Vice Principals. She has also written a memoir, hosted a talk show on E! and, oh, she’s also married and a mom to two lovely daughters. Aside from all of these wonderful accomplishments, though, I mostly appreciate Busy because she isn’t afraid to admit when life is just super weird, frustrating, awful, and wonderful all at once.

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Here are the five top reasons Busy Philipps is my spirit animal: 

She’s Not Afraid of Failure

I recently read an article on the art of being average, and it really spoke to me. You just can’t be great at everything, right? For example, I make excellent chocolate chip cookies and am an amateur tap dancer (and I can’t stress the word amateur enough), but I am terrible at all sports and can’t play any musical instruments.

Sometimes, though, you’ve just got to try your best to see if you succeed; you’re just not going to know until you try. I really like that Busy, time and time again, has just really gone for it: she launched a talk show, Busy Tonight, which unfortunately got canceled. But, the point is, she went for it —and super publically, too — which I think takes some real guts.

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She Stands Up for What She Believes In

I am a passionate person with strong opinions, but that doesn’t mean I always find it easy to voice them, especially in large public formats. (Though, I have yet to be invited to do a TED Talk so I really haven’t been given the opportunity).

I admire Busy’s strong convictions on matters both big and small and her willingness to share them so publicly through interviews, social media, and even government testimony. On June 4, Busy went to Washington, D.C. to testify to the House Judiciary Sub-Committee on the threat to abortion rights.

She’s The BFF

Much has been chronicled about Busy’s friendship with Michelle Williams: they are friendship goals, as it were. 

Busy seems like the friend who you can call in the middle of the night with an emergency or if you randomly have a great idea that you must share with someone immediately. Plus, she just seems like the best companion during a mom’s night out.

There’s No Shame in Her Game

Whatever you think of social media, you have to give Busy credit for using the platform not only to share behind-the-scenes photos of her cute fam and social outings, but to build a business to support her family.

Busy has spoken openly about doing sponsored posts, sharing through an Instagram Story last year, “I’m not above it, guys. I just only choose things that I genuinely like and would want to partner with. For instance, my Michaels partnership, which, you know, is my favorite thing of all time. And I’m doing one next week, I think, that feels like me.”

She Shares Photos of Her Daughters That Are Perfectly Imperfect

Busy’s daughters, Birdie and Cricket, are frequently seen in Instagram pictures, and not only in perfectly posed shots. Busy shares some of those, sure, but there’s also plenty of shots in there of them living their lives, being their adorable, quirky, smart and perfectly imperfect selves.

The candid shots are always my favorite because life is messy, right? Sometimes your child is super happy and loving everything in life and sometimes they’re having a tantrum because, inexplicably, they don’t want to attend a birthday party and no, they don’t want to eat cake. And, sometimes, the best pics, capture the messiest moments. 

Did we miss a reason why Busy Philipps is one of the coolest actors-slash-busineswomen-slash-moms out there? Sound off in the comments!

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