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Britney Spears Wants Conservatorship to Be ‘Voluntary’ and Believes It’s In Her Best Interest for Court Hearings to Be Public

Britney Spears Wants Conservatorship to Be 'Voluntary' and Believes It's In Her Best Interest for Court Hearings to Be Public

Britney Spears/Instagram

After sources revealed that Britney Spears dreams of ending her conservatorship one day, the pop star is calling to have her case to be open to the public. Additionally, Spears is continuing to fight against her father’s request to be reinstated as her primary conservator.

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, last month, Jamie Spears filed a petition with the Superior Court of California asking to have him and Andrew Wallet, “an attorney who once helped oversee the singer’s finances,” reinstated as her co-conservators. This is something Spears is very much against at the moment.

RELATED: Britney Spears Does Dream of Ending Her Conservatorship, But That’s Not a Battle She’s Fighting Right Now

Britney Spears Wants Conservatorship to Be ‘Voluntary’

According to new reports, Spears wants something that is called a “voluntary” conservatorship, which basically means someone will still be in control of her estate, but Spears would have the last word in who the person in charge will be. In that same filing, the singer requested that Bessemer Trust Company of California, N.A., to be her conservator, People reports.

Currently, licensed conservator, Jodi Montgomery, is looking after Spears’ finances after Jamie stepped down from the position in September 2019 due to personal issues. If a judge agrees to her request, then “the wealth management and investment advisory firm would be in charge of Spears’ finances and control the power of attorney for her medical health decisions and career,” according to the documents obtained by People.

Some of the things her appointed conservator would have control over would be commitments like “performing, recording, videos, tours, TV shows, and other similar activities,” so long as her medical team also agrees those commitments are in her best interest.

“Britney is strongly opposed to her father continuing as sole conservator of her estate. Rather, without in any way waiving her right to seek termination of this conservatorship in the future, she strongly prefers to have a qualified corporate fiduciary appointed to serve in this role.”

Other documents obtained by People also revealed that Spears’ mother, Lynn, is on board with her daughter’s request to have the advisory firm in control of her conservatorship. Additionally, the pop star’s legal team made it very clear that she does not “have a developmental disability” and nor is she a “patient in or on leave of absence from a state institution under the jurisdiction of the California Department of State Hospitals or the California Department of Developmental Services.”

In the documents, Spears also goes on to suggest that her court proceedings should be made public. It’s not made specifically clear why this would be in Spears’ best interest, but it may have something to do with the #FreeBritney campaign her fan base has started.

“Britney strongly believes it is consistent not only with her personal best interests but also with good public policy generally that the decision to appoint a new conservator of her estate be made in as open and transparent a manner as possible,” Britney’s attorney writes. Her lawyer later adds that Jamie’s motion “is supposedly being brought by her father to ‘protect’ Britney’s interests, but she is adamantly opposed to it.”

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The singer’s fans have been very concerned about her wellbeing lately and they tend to blame her conservatorship as the reason for her unique behavior on Instagram. Britney Spears has been under her conservatorship since 2008. Her younger sister, Jamie, has recently been named the trustee of assets set aside for Spears’ two boys.

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