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Britney Spears Speaks Out Against Those Who Weren’t Always in Her Corner & Fans Seem to Think They Know Who It Is About

Britney Spears Speaks Out Against Those Who Weren't Always in Her Corner & Fans Seem to Think They Know Who It Is About


While Britney Spears is grateful for the support of those who were on her side from the beginning, she is sick of hearing about those who are publicly showing their support when they weren’t there for her at her worst. As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Spears spoke out for herself and against the conservatorship, she has been under for the last 13 years for the first time.

In her courtroom testimony, she slammed those who made the conservatorship possible. She went on to describe it as abusive and explained that despite maintaining her nearly 60 million dollar fortune, she hasn’t been able to live her life on her own terms.

She even went as far as to call for her father, Jamie Spears, to be slapped with conservatorship abuse charges. And now, she’s speaking out on Instagram about those who claim to be in her corner, supporting her even though she feels they haven’t been.

RELATED: Britney Spears Wins Big at 2nd Conservatorship Hearing, Asks for Father to Be Charged With Conservatorship Abuse for ‘Ruining My Life’

Britney Spears Is Speaking Out Against Those Who Weren’t Always in Her Corner

On July 17, Spears took to Instagram to share a photo that said, “Never forget who ignored you when you needed them and who help you before you even had to ask.” She also shared a few words of her own.

“There’s nothing worse than when the people closest to you who never showed up for you post things in regard to your situation whatever it may be and speak righteously for support. There’s nothing worse than that!!!! How dare the people you love the most say anything at all.”

Britney Spears continued her statement saying, “Did they even put a hand out to even lift me up at the TIME!!!??? How dare you make it public that NOW you CARE. Did you put your hand out when I was drowning???? Again … NO!”

While Britney didn’t explicitly name any names, she did write, “if you’re reading this and you know who you are, and you actually have the nerve to say anything about my situation just to save face for yourself publicly!!! If you’re gonna post something, please stop with the righteous approach when you’re so far from righteous it’s not even funny, and have a good day!!!!!”

Spears then concluded her thoughts with a brief message for those who have been treated similarly by the ones they love. “P.S. If you’re reading this today and you can relate …. I’m sorry because I know what it’s like … and I send you my love!!!!”

People in the comments section of the post quickly began to comment the names of the people they believe this post was about. And many commenters seem to think it is about Britney’s youngest sister, Jaime, and their mother, Lynne Spears. However, that has not been confirmed.

Further, in a second post shared on the same day, Britney Spears said she will not be getting on any stage anytime soon, as long as her father still has control over her career.

“For those of you who choose to criticize my dancing videos … look I’m not gonna be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what I wear, say, do, or think!!!! I’ve done that for the past 13 years … I’d much rather share videos YES from my living room instead of onstage in Vegas where some people were so far gone they couldn’t even shake my hand and I ended up getting a contact high from weed all the time … which I didn’t mind but it would have been nice to be able to go to the mother f*cking spa!!!! And no I’m not gonna put on heavy makeup and try try try on stage again and not be able to do the real deal with remixes of my songs for years and begging to put my new music in my show for MY fans … so I quit !!!!

I don’t like that my sister showed up at an awards show and performed MY SONGS to remixes!!!!! My so-called support system hurt me deeply!!!! This conservatorship killed my dreams, so all I have is hope and hope is the only thing in this world that is very hard to kill, yet people still try!!!! I didn’t like the way the documentaries bring up humiliating moments from the past … I’m way past all that and have been for a long time !!!! And for women who say it’s weird the way I still have hope for fairy tales … go f*ck yourself!!!!! As I said … hope is all I have right now … you’re lucky I post anything at all … if you don’t like what you see, unfollow me!!! People try to kill hope because hope is one of the most vulnerable and fragile things there is!!!! I’m gonna go read a mother f*cking fairy tale now!!!! P.S. if you don’t want to see my precious a** dancing in my living room or it’s not up to your standards … go read a f*cking book!!!!!”

Most recently, Spears won big at her court hearing. The judge has ruled it possible for Britney Spears to hire her own counsel as opposed to the one that had been appointed to her. And she already has!

Britney Spears hired Mathew Rosengart, who has represented many Hollywood superstars before. At the same hearing, Britney, via phone, told the judge that she was “here to get rid of my dad and charge him with conservatorship abuse. I want him investigated. This conservatorship has allowed my dad to ruin my life.”

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