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Britney Spears Signs $15 Million Book Deal For Tell-All Memoir

Britney Spears Is Feeling 'Rebellious,' Turns To Painting To Channel Her 'True Colors'

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Britney Spears is ready to tell all.

Britney has officially signed a $15 million book deal with publishing house Simon & Schuster for a tell-all memoir. This comes just three months after a judge terminated Britney’s 13-year conservatorship.

Over the past few months, Spears has not shied away from calling out her estranged family — including sister Jamie Lynn, who recently released her own memoir.

Jamie Lynn’s book titled Things I Should Have Said hit shelves on Jan. 18.

Days ahead of the book’s release, Jamie Lynn made a handful of public appearances to discuss the memoir but quickly was criticized for repeatedly mentioning her sister’s decade-long conservatorship — despite saying previously the book wasn’t all about Britney.

Britney has also been vocal about how she felt constrained and abused under the legal arrangement, where both her life and financial affairs were controlled by her father and other lawyers from 2008 until November 2021.

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Britany accused her family in court last year of doing “nothing” to help, including Jamie Lynn. And as the singer has not discussed the conservatorship since it was terminated and admitted she is “scared” to do interviews, many have raised an eyebrow at Jamie Lynn for choosing to release a memoir now as well as participating in multiple interview[s] to promote it.

And while Britney has been very vocal about her feelings towards Jamie Lynn’s memoir, Britney has since turned to her attorney, Mathew Rosengart, who has threatened legal action against Jamie Lynn if she continues to speak about her during the promotion of her new memoir.

Filing a formal cease-and-desist letter on Jan. 17, Rosengart requested that Jamie Lynn refrain from mentioning Britney throughout the rest of her promotional campaign.

“Dear Ms. Spears: As you know, I represent your sister Britney Spears, and I write at her request concerning the above-referenced matter. We write with some hesitation because the last thing Britney wants is to bring more attention to your ill-timed book and its misleading or outrageous claims about her,” reads the letter, which was obtained by Page Six.

“Although Britney has not read and does not intend to read your book, she and millions of her fans were shocked to see how you have exploited her for monetary gain. She will not tolerate it, nor should she,” it states.

RELATED: ‘She’s Never Had to Work for Anything’: Britney Spears Responds to Jamie Lynn’s Tell-All Interview

“You of all people know the abuse and wrongdoing Britney had to endure during the conservatorship, after initially growing up with a ‘ruinous,’ alcoholic father. In fact, your own book reportedly states that your father ‘spent most of my life in that cycle of ruinous behavior. His bouts of drinking caused me periods of torment and sorrow,’” the letter says. 

“As I have previously stated, having endured a 13-year conservatorship that stripped her of civil rights and fundamental liberties, Britney will no longer be bullied by her father or anyone else,” it adds.

“Publicly airing false or fantastical grievances is wrong, especially when designed to sell books. It is also potentially unlawful and defamatory,” the letter reads.

“You recently reportedly stated that the book was ‘not about her,’” it states. “She takes you at your word and we, therefore, demand that you cease and desist from referencing Britney derogatorily during your promotional campaign. If you fail to do so or defame her, Britney will be forced to consider and take all appropriate legal action.”

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