Mamas Uncut

Britney Spears’ Legal Team Received Over $1M Due To Conservatorship

Britney Spears‘ spending habits have been brought to light thanks to new court documents related to her ongoing conservatorship.

For instance, in 2019, she paid out her team of advisors and attorneys at a combined total of $1,202,504.30. While her father, Jamie Spears, earned $128,000 for his role as conservator. 

Britney Spears' Legal Team Made Over $1M For Conservatorship
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Due to “personal health reasons,” he temporarily stepped down from that role in Sept. 2019. And in his absence, he requested Britney’s care manager, Jodi Montgomery, fill in for him as conservator until Jan. 2020. 

But not all of Britney’s money goes to those who are involved in overseeing her conservatorship. The mother of two received an undisclosed weekly allowance to spend at her discretion, according to the documents. Her stores of choice include Anthropologie, Walmart, Amazon and Target, to name just a few.  

Among the other expenses listed in the documents is $91,242.01 on travel to locations like Turks and Caicos and Miami.

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Britney spent nearly $1 million on residential expenses, which likely went to repairing her home gym after two fires.

Britney seems to have cut back on her spending as in years past, she has spent thousands of dollars on pampering herself.

In the year 2016, Britney spent $120,000 on massages — a small portion of the $10 million accounted for that specific year.

And while Brit’s spending does not compare to that of the average person, the financial disclosures for 2018 made it apparent she is a lot like us….as in she went to Target on 80 separate times in 2018.

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As part of Britney’s ongoing conservatorship, expense reports are filed each year.

Jamie Spears said in a recent interview these disclosures are proof that he’s not stealing from his daughter, as some supporters of the #FreeBritney movement have claimed.

“I have to report every nickel and dime spent to the court every year. How the hell would I steal something,” he stated. He insisted, “It’s up to the court of California to decide what’s best for my daughter. It’s no one else’s business.”

A hearing will be held to determine if Britney’s 12-year conservatorship will be extended beyond Aug. 22.

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