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Britney Spears and Kevin Federline React to Rumors of Meth Use – Here’s What They Said!

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline React to Rumors of Meth Use – Here’s What They Said!

via Shutterstock (Dooley Productions)

In an article published by The Sun and Daily Mail on June 10, journalist Daphne Barak writes about a series of talks she had with Kevin Federline and other members of Britney Spears’ family. In the article, Barak alleges that Kevin feared his ex-wife was using meth and believed she needed a wake-up call. 

“I fear she’s on meth – I’ve been praying someone would make it public and that she wakes up … It’s terrifying. She is the mother of my boys,” Barak writes in one of the stories. And it didn’t take very long for both Kevin and Britney to respond to what they’re referring to as false rumors, lies, and harassment. 

Speaking to TMZ on Sunday, Federline said, “It saddens our family that Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti have decided to fabricate lies and publish the heartache our family has endured, along with the trauma of our minor children in the Daily Mail and The Sun” – referring to their two sons, Sean, 17, and Jayden, 17. 

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While Federline confirmed he spoke with Daphne and Erbil, he didn’t specify what was said during those interviews and certainly didn’t specify what it was they lied about. He did, however, specify that they agreed to do the interviews ‘because we trusted them,’ but that trust was lost long before the articles. 

“It is very distressing that she continues to harass our family when we have repeatedly asked her to leave us alone,” he added – calling it clickbait. “Our family did speak with Ms. Barak and Mr. Gunasti a few times, and this was done in a respectful way with love & compassion for Britney and the Spears family.” 

His comments come roughly one month after he asked Britney Spears for permission to move their two children to Hawaii. His lawyer publicly requested it on May 16 and Spears’ lawyer publicly responded on May 31, approving the move and vowing not to interfere with her ex-husband’s plans to move out of LA.

Kevin wasn’t the only one featured in the article. Britney Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, allegedly told Daphne he feared his daughter was going to wind up like Amy Winehouse if she didn’t get the care and treatment she needed. For those that don’t know, Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning at 27 in 2011. 

Britney Spears and Her Attorney Respond to Meth Rumors

Just hours after TMZ published Kevin Federline’s response, Britney Spears chimed in with a response of her own. “The fact that people are claiming things that are not true is so sad … This may not even be them saying such things because it doesn’t make any sense to me for them to be saying that,” she wrote.

She goes on to call the media out for talking about her behind her back and acknowledged how the news always bullies her. “It’s sad because everyone sits back as if that’s ok to make up lies to that extent,” she continued. “Hopefully it is just the news being hateful and Kevin nor Preston said any of those things.”

Speaking to TMZ, Britney Spears’ attorney, Matthew Rosengart, also weighed in on the situation. “Kevin Federline himself has now acknowledged the falsity of the story, asserting that it contains ‘fabrications’ and ‘lies’ about Britney,” he told the outlet – adding that the rumors exploit her children, who are minors.

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“This writer also repeatedly sought to contact Britney under false pretenses, using her children as bait, which is outrageous. This was poor and shoddy ‘journalism’ even in today’s era of clickbait journalism,” Rosengart continues. It’s unclear at this moment if Kevin or Britney plan on suing or taking legal action.

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