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Britney Spears Father Fights To Continue Managing Conservatorship, Wins

Britney Spears wants to oust Jamie Spears from managing her conservatorship but Jamie states there wouldn’t be a business without him in charge for the last 12 years.

Jamie has filed new court docs in Britney’s conservatorship case, throwing Britney’s attorney, Sam Ingham, under the bus for recently requesting a judge to kick Jamie out of his role as co-conservator of the estate.

Britney Spears Father Fights To Manage Conservatorship, Wins
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First, Jamie states he is doing everything he is supposed to be doing managing the estate, which includes making sure a business manager is in place.

That being said, Jamie states he has years-long record of managing her business affairs and assets incredibly well. In addition, he shares how he pulled her out of significant debt as well as looming lawsuits when he took over and got the estate to its current status of being worth around $60 million.

Jamie states that financial ruin was avoided on his watch and that there’s zero reason to ask that he be removed now.

When it comes to getting a new business manager after Britney’s old manager entity, Tristar, backed out, Jamie says how technically, he as well as others helping manage the estate are not obligated to give Ingham any notice.

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RELATED: Britney Spears Wants Jamie Removed As Co-Conservator After Hiring New Manager Without Consent

That said, he reveals they departed on good terms, as it was gracious and well-planned.

Jamie states that a person by the name of Lou Taylor, who played a big part in managing Britney’s business affairs, was getting major death threats.

That being said, he and the team began to look for a replacement for Taylor’s sake, and found someone they liked by the name of Michael Kane.

Ingham mentioned that in Kane’s hiring did not give Britney any chance to explore alternatives.

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But Jamie says Ingham is overstepping his authority, noting how he is the court-appointed lawyer and doesn’t serve any conservatorship roles over business affairs like he himself does.

Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny decided not to suspend Jamie Spears from his role but did say she would consider future petitions for his suspension or outright removal.

Ingham stated: “My client has informed me that she is afraid of her father.”

“She will not perform again if her father is in charge of her career.”

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