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Fans Fear for  Britney Spears’ Three Dogs After New Video Shows Her Playing With Knives

Fans Fear for  Britney Spears’ Three Dogs After New Video Shows Her Playing With Knives

via Shutterstock (Kobby Dagan)

Britney Spears’ fanbase is sharing their concern after the 41-year-old singer posted an Instagram video of herself playing and dancing with knives. She had a sharp knife in both hands and it easily could’ve turned tragic – especially with the quick movements and sudden turns she was making while dancing. 

“I started playing in the kitchen with knives today,” she captioned the post. At one point in the video, her three little dogs entered the frame and eventually ran away when she banged the knives together. Her recklessness and carelessness had the internet worried for her safety, as well as the safety of her dogs. 

When the video went viral, Spears clearly took notice of the criticism she was receiving and edited her caption to address the concern. “Don’t worry they are NOT real knives !!! Halloween is soon,” she added to the caption. While she was hoping to save face, it didn’t quite work and it actually ended up backfiring. 

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It’s important to note that most prop knives are made out of rubber – which means they won’t make a ‘clinging’ noise when banged against one another and they generally won’t have a shiny effect. If you take a closer look at the video, the knives do shine when exposed to light and they definitely make a noise. 

TMZ contacted Ventura County Animal Services to see if anyone had reported Spears’ erratic behavior. “We reviewed the video, and while the dogs appeared to be startled by the clinking of the knives, we didn’t feel they were in a situation where an officer needed to be dispatched,” the dispatcher confirmed. 

Shortly after her first video went viral, Britney Spears posted another video of her dancing in the same clothes. The knives were gone, but her fans’ concerns were confirmed when they noticed a bandage on her arm and a small cut on her thigh. It’s unclear if the small injuries were a result of dancing with knives.

Several hours later, she responded to the growing concern with another video of her dancing – this time with different clothes on and no bandage. “Lighten up about the knives I’m copying Shakira,” she said – referring to Shakira’s performance at the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards, where she danced with knives.

Britney Spears Has a Fascination With Knives

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about Britney Spears’ apparent fascination with sharp knives. In fact, TMZ was the first to report the fascination in May and they alluded to a list of recommendations her family had when her conservatorship came to a conclusion – which happened in November 2021 after 13 years.

One of those recommendations was pretty clear and straight to the point – keep knives away from her. According to multiple sources, who spoke with TMZ at the time, Britney Spears has had a fascination with knives for years and has viewed them as a means of protection out of fear of being re-institutionalized.

They also reported that she keeps knives throughout her home to make her feel safe – even in her bedroom. The discovery was talked about in TMZ Investigates: Britney Spears: The Price of Freedom – a documentary released in May and takes a closer look at her life since her conservatorship ended in 2021. 

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The recent video of Britney Spears dancing with knives comes just one month after she and her husband, Sam Asghari, announced their divorce. Asghari filed for divorce on August 16 and it resulted in a lot of speculation as to why. Fans have grown concerned over her well-being ever since – including recently.

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